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 FP-1 camera

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Luiz Paracampo Posted - Jul 06 2013 : 6:31:08 PM
Unknown special 6x9 and 6x6 camera using Moskva body and Helios 2.5 100mm lenses seems to be an oscilloscope camera
Made by KMZ
good pictures to enlarge Photohistory Abramov's site.and ours
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Vlad Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 5:10:29 PM
I see, thanks for explanation!
okynek Posted - Jul 15 2013 : 3:31:08 PM

In the USSR there was a few oscilloscope adapters (hoods with bindings to oscilloscope and a camera) for the RF and SLR cameras and as an example of true (specially constructed) oscilloscope camera you can find here Snezhinka

Dmitry, where I was working we had 100s if not 1000s of oscilloscopes, but no cameras or hoods with cameras to make occilo-pictures. In fact I never see one alive, I did not know that they existed when I was working with scopes in USSR. Do not see them for sale on eBay as well. I do not say that they not existed, but they definitely was produced in very small quantities and they are rare.
In coronary in US oscilloscope cameras are common and easy to find, probably because they was pushed by salespeople, and because they out-lived scopes they was designed for.
The scope camera would be very useful in many occasions, in college we had to cut cooking paper, put it on the scope, and trace the signal to prove our findings in the lab. And when you need to compare signals you would use such cameras, if you would have one. And for teaching purpose.
Snezinka camera you was pointing was made in 1990, to little to late for me. And I can not figure out how can you attach it to the oscilloscope, most of them had rectangular screens at that time.
Svetopisez Posted - Jul 13 2013 : 09:44:09 AM
Sometimes the scientists and engineers need to have the signal graphs from the oscilloscope as a document for their articles, thesis and so forth. It is concerning of course about an old CRT oscilloscopes which has no computer connection.
Vlad Posted - Jul 12 2013 : 11:33:40 PM
Stupid question, why do you take a picture of an oscilloscope? - sorry I never used one..
Svetopisez Posted - Jul 11 2013 : 03:11:09 AM
Completely agree with Zoom! This is the same camera with differenet film adapters - instant film in Foton-OS and 120 (back of Moscow-5 camera) in FP-1
Zoom Posted - Jul 11 2013 : 02:48:28 AM
Originally posted by Luiz Paracampo

Both cameras uses the same structure and lens and are similar but are not the same camera.

Your right to think so. In fact this variants are all the same camera.
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Jul 10 2013 : 5:53:51 PM
You simply reinforced the unknown adjective.
The camera you indicated differes from the pointed one not only bu the name but by its charateristicsa
the FN-1 is a 120 roll film camera and the foton OS uses instant film ans is appontesd inthe site.
Both cameras uses the same structure and lens and are similar but are not the same camera.


Svetopisez Posted - Jul 10 2013 : 05:26:45 AM
Hi okynek, you are wrong a bit... In the USSR there was a few oscilloscope adapters (hoods with bindings to oscilloscope and a camera) for the RF and SLR cameras and as an example of true (specially constructed) oscilloscope camera you can find here Snezhinka - http://www.ussrphoto.com/Wiki/default.asp?WikiCatID=81&ParentID=1&ContentID=142&Item=Snezhinka
okynek Posted - Jul 09 2013 : 1:43:30 PM
Thank you Luiz for the link.
I have few US-maid oscilloscope cameras (easy to find), but I did not see oscilloscope camera made in USSR. It actually strange why they did not make them. They made millions of oscilloscopes, some models was pretty advance.
Zoom Posted - Jul 08 2013 : 04:00:08 AM
Originally posted by Luiz Paracampo

Unknown special 6x9 and 6x6 camera using Moskva body and Helios 2.5 100mm lenses seems to be an oscilloscope camera
Made by KMZ

Why unknown?

We suppose that this is device for a document copying similar to one used in KGB.

KGB... KGB... Everywhere was KGB, everything was KGB... You would think that in our country we didn't have anything other than the KGB. :(

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