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 Bayonet Jup 12 on a Fed?

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Jacques M. Posted - Apr 29 2014 : 11:42:10 AM

I have an uncoated bayonet mount Biogon and would like to mount it on a Fed to compare with my other coated Jup 12 which are LTM.

I know that the ordinary rings (Kipon, Amedeo, Stewartry...) don't work. But is it only the rangefinder which is not coupled, or really the lens cannot be mounted? Of course, same question for a bayonet Jup 12...

Thanks for help. Jacques.
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Jacques M. Posted - Jun 04 2014 : 09:20:47 AM
Two pictures with the "special" Fed S and this wartime Biogon:



Photos with all that in a while!

Amitiés. Jacques.

Jacques M. Posted - Jun 04 2014 : 09:17:19 AM

The ring is here, perfectly made.
It fits Leica screw bodies.
But the plate of the lens, attached with four screws, does not have the same position on Leicas and Feds (1/4 turn). This ring fits my Fed S only because the plate was turned of 90° to have Zeiss lenses in the good position...

All that because of this protruding Biogon and a very limited space which forces to make an excentric ring which is in the right position only at 12 o'clock.

Hope all that is clear!

I have asked Amedeo if he can do the same for "ordinary" Feds. No answer for the moment.
Jacques M. Posted - May 16 2014 : 07:51:52 AM

Received the lens.
A very beautiful Biogon, non coated and heavy! No alloy inside this lens, only brass and chrome.

I am waiting for news from Amedeo now.

Luiz Paracampo Posted - May 04 2014 : 5:12:32 PM
Ok good luck
tell me the news!
Jacques M. Posted - May 04 2014 : 07:57:49 AM
Here are the prices of the adapters made by Amedeo:


The "normal" Biogon bayo/Leica M costs 69USD.
Mine should be a bit more expensive: 79 USD. Amedeo must write a special program for his machine...

Note that the rangefinder will not be coupled with this adapter. Not really an important problem with the depth of field of the 35mm. I hope it will fit correctly my Leica LTM AND my favourite Fed S. It fits Amedeo's Leica IIIc.

I will tell about compatibility as soon as I receive it, of course. For historical reasons, it would be interesting to use this lens on an LTM camera rather than on an M...

Amitiés. Jacques.
Luiz Paracampo Posted - May 04 2014 : 07:30:50 AM
how much?
Jacques M. Posted - May 04 2014 : 05:10:37 AM

Good news!
Amedeo will make a special adapter for me!
I will tell more when I receive it.

Jacques M. Posted - May 02 2014 : 2:43:25 PM

It was sold at 900 USD...
Not a fair price for me

And I think these Orion adapters don't fit the Biogons...

Luiz Paracampo Posted - May 02 2014 : 1:16:33 PM
they are now being sold at a fairy price
Jacques M. Posted - May 02 2014 : 03:32:24 AM

Thanks for all these links, Luiz. The Orion is too rare and far too expensive for me now...
Anyway, one of the articles points that the Biogon is not usable on an Orion converter...

Probably, there should be a technical problem. If there are direct converters Contax bayonet/LTM for the 50mm, there should be too for the 35mm. Unless the inside barrel does not allow it. I have read something about the inside barrels for Biogon bayonets/LTM which are not the same.

I email to Amedeo and let you know his answer.

Luiz Paracampo Posted - May 02 2014 : 12:44:23 AM
and this one
Luiz Paracampo Posted - May 02 2014 : 12:39:32 AM
see the articale at
Luiz Paracampo Posted - May 02 2014 : 12:35:24 AM
see them at
Luiz Paracampo Posted - May 02 2014 : 12:29:19 AM
the first copler of this kinf was the Orion (Miranda)made around 1950
Contax or Nikon to Leica screw, around 1950
It was coupled but I never saw one!
I do not know why they do not work , although they are feasible, they are difficult to make due thehigh precision needed.
Jacques M. Posted - May 01 2014 : 08:47:35 AM
It seems I have a partial answer.
Amedeo also makes converters for wide angles, but only from a Contax mount towards M. So, I must use my Leica M2 to compare these lenses: Amedeo bag for the early Biogon, and classical rings LTM/M for the other ones.

But no direct possibility to put this lens on a M39 body, as it seems. I wonder why: nobody is interested or are there technical problems? After all, these converters exist for 50mm and tele...

For those who are interested: http://www.amedeo.muscelli.net/wcnlm.htm


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