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uccmmcpo Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 07:16:34 AM
Hi my name is John and I live in western Massachusetts. I`m retired and collect interesting cameras. I also enjoy using most of them . My collection is mainly Kodak Retinas and a few other fixed lens RF`s. Like other collectors I have regretted some purchases and have changed my interests and buying preferences
Being kinda new to the world of FSU cameras I do enjoy using them, discussing them , and learning more about them. Hopefully I can learn more about them and eventually contribute something to others.
Thank you.
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mermoz37 Posted - Dec 11 2007 : 03:10:32 AM
hi John...welcomme to
uccmmcpo Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 9:15:21 PM
Thank you all for the nice reception. It`s nice to be a part of the Soviet Photo Equipment Group.
Vlad has indeed sold me a very nice camera and lens.
seka Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 7:20:27 PM
Hello John, welcome and enjoy your new Zorki !
Vlad Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 1:47:06 PM
Hi and welcome John! Good to see you here!I guess selling off some excess cameras on eBay does pay off in terms of getting new members John bought my Zorki 2C I was selling on eBay since I've replaced it with a Festival version.

cedricfan Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 10:16:13 AM
Bit OT: My fathers first real camera was Retina Ib which he bought from Germany in mid-50ies. When I began shooting I was allowed to loan it (early 70ies) before I bough my 1st SLR (Zenit-EM). Now the Retina with Kodalux is in my vitrine...
Juhani from Finland

okynek Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 08:25:40 AM
Welcome John! I hope you'll find a lot of interesting stuff here! And I'm sure we will enjoy you inputs !
AidasCams Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 08:10:59 AM
Hello John,
Welcome to our forum!


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