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 Leningrad /Zenit Lens

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
nightphoto Posted - Dec 15 2007 : 12:52:46 PM
Hello all,

I am would like to fit an early MIR-1 lens (M39 made for Zenit-1) onto a Leningrad camera (also M39) so that it will focus correctly at infinity.
So, I believe I will need an extension ring of the right width to make it work. I believe this may be a width of something like 6.2mm (not including the camera-mounting thread).
Does anyone know if an extension ring like this is available, new or old? ... And hopefully in silver rather than black (for the right look on this old camera)?

Any help would be appreciated.

Regards, Bill

10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mermoz37 Posted - Dec 16 2007 : 1:53:35 PM
sorry , Bill..
p.e. mean "for example" (par exemple)....in french !
that is because i took on my board a zorki 5 camera and screwed off the lens for pictures...
nightphoto Posted - Dec 16 2007 : 12:44:53 PM
Perfect Alain! Thanks very much. Please... what does the "p.e." mean ... (zorki 5 or 6 p.e.).

Regards, Bill

mermoz37 Posted - Dec 16 2007 : 12:02:04 PM
16.2 exactly (the size of reflex housing from zenit 1 or C)...an historic reason to fit old zenit lens on "modern" zorki
Kievuser Posted - Dec 16 2007 : 09:40:54 AM
Hi, Alain,

Thanks for the tip.
nightphoto Posted - Dec 16 2007 : 06:42:05 AM
Hi Alain,

Looks good! Will it measure the extra 16mm when put in place on the MIR ? If so, that would be perfect!


Regards, Bill

mermoz37 Posted - Dec 16 2007 : 05:32:43 AM
hi Bill,
why don't you take off the back ring from an Industar (zorki 5 or 6 p.e.) ?
only one little screw unscrewed and then separate lens from the ring : inside there is a 39mm screw mount fit exactly to zenit lens ...
i show you:

nightphoto Posted - Dec 15 2007 : 6:16:18 PM

Thank you very much Zoom.

Now I see what I need and it will be a ring of more like 16.2mm in depth (so probably the 2nd deepest ring in the UTZ set).

So now I will be looking for this set in an older version, although there seem to be many new sets like this from different factories (KMZ, FED, etc.). The lens and camera that I will be using are from the 1960s and so that is why I am looking for a silver-colored set, if it exists (if not, black will have to do ;-)).

Regards, Bill

Zoom Posted - Dec 15 2007 : 5:16:56 PM
Originally posted by nightphoto

Does anyone know if an extension ring like this is available, new or old?

Yes. This one of the old UTZ rings (for M39x1/45.2 mount).
See http://www.zenitcamera.com/qa/qa-extrings.html
nightphoto Posted - Dec 15 2007 : 5:15:50 PM

Thanks Okynek, but I don't need the rangefinder to work because I will only be using this set-up for focus at infinity. But I am looking for such an extension ring for this purpose, hopefully in silver or brushed aluminum (or silver-nickel in color to match the lens somewhat).

Regards, Bill

okynek Posted - Dec 15 2007 : 3:42:12 PM
Bill the only drawback of such setting is rangefinder will not work. And if rangefinder coupled with parallax correction then it will not work as well.

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