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uccmmcpo Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 11:51:33 AM
OK, no picture but one is not necessary. I`m sure one of the long time FSU collectors have the answer.
In the rear bottom section in my Zorki cases I have seen the same small plastic card.
Was this card for taking notes?
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cedricfan Posted - Mar 20 2008 : 12:15:40 AM
It is the flash syncroniser, there is another topic for that here

Smena rules
okynek Posted - Mar 19 2008 : 7:55:30 PM
Great find!!! ans specially for 13e
Is it flash accessory or is it selftimer on the camera?
cedricfan Posted - Mar 19 2008 : 2:48:23 PM

This FED #307045 has it as a 3mm thick black cardboard: not good for any other use than extra protection?

BTW I did buy it as it was only 13 euros... But isn't the lens with "old f-stops" too old for it?

Smena rules
okynek Posted - Mar 14 2008 : 10:46:40 PM
Here is to add to controversy:
First shoot is case for FED-1 s/n 227818 build right after the WW2(?).It has very rough but strong MDF king board. Most definitely board is original and it unusable for writing notes. Probably plastic was in short supply at that time. So FED definitely put it to stiffen the case and protect camera.

Second picture is from FED 2a case. It also has such packet, but FED-2 had cast aluminum back and do not need any protection from behind . So board most definitely was intended for writing notes.

So it was for both uses!!! While I strongly believe original intention was to protect camera. I believe manuals said this board is for notes because it would not be a good busines to admit that camera is not strong enough.
dgillette4 Posted - Feb 27 2008 : 12:13:33 PM
John my Zorki manual copy that I got from Bukus web site tells that the card is for writing notes of settings etc. don
Vlad Posted - Feb 26 2008 : 12:04:59 AM
Originally posted by dgillette4

My Zorki 1 instruction manual tells of using it to write notations on it with pencil

And that is what's it's for.. ... I've actually used that pocket in the camera case to carry around my hotel room card to get pool towels at the resort
Vlad Posted - Feb 26 2008 : 12:01:35 AM
Originally posted by uccmmcpo

It has also been suggested that removing the lens on LTM bottom loaders so one can stick his finger (s) inside to assist in lining up the spocket holes .

If you notice the user on RFF who suggested that... that would be yours truly I used to do that before, but card is actually faster...

dgillette4 Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 6:02:23 PM
My Zorki 1 instruction manual tells of using it to write notations on it with pencil
Vlad Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 5:54:58 PM
Actually the one I used that came with my FED-1b (I think it's b, 16,xxx) is pretty thin.. and you're right, a thicker one will be a problem... I can't explain that then with this theory.
nightphoto Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 5:10:22 PM

John and Vlad,
Well, that is interesting and worth a try. Has anyone ever tried to load the film that way? It seems like the instructions quoted say "business card" not a credit card which is thicker and has bumps for the impressed writing. Seems like it could be dangerous to the shutter curtains, possibly, and since these plastic notation cards come with the camera, the instructions would have said to use them as film loaders. I have many cameras with these cards and virtually all have exposure notations.
Most photographers, I would imagine, just trim the film at home, before they go out shooting. That's how I've always done it because that way it doesn't mean having to carry the scissors and take the extra 10 sec. to cut the leader.

Regards, Bill

Vlad Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 4:58:37 PM
Maybe people just made up this use for them.. so loading just came after but was not original purpose, but I did load my FED 1 with that card worked out good...
fedka Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 4:49:55 PM
Those cards appear to be quite thick to assist in camera loading, and some are too thin to protect the backs.
I always thought they are for taking notes - a soft pencil writes on it.
Some people glued exposure charts on them.

There are also thick rigid cardboard cards in the early Kiev cases, those appear to be for the back protection.

I think if the card was needed for the loading, it would be reflected in the manuals. Did anyone see anything about this card in the instruction booklets?
Vlad Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 4:41:26 PM
John, I was going to post the same thing.. I was just out so you put it here first... basically... what John said.. LOL .. a lot of people told me of this practice...

Peace out,
uccmmcpo Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 4:33:26 PM
FYI and in support of Vlad`s theory here`s a post (below) regarding the use of a card (credit card) to help in bottom loading.
It has also been suggested that removing the lens on LTM bottom loaders so one can stick his finger (s) inside to assist in lining up the spocket holes . However few users endorse these questionable practices and they are not ever shown in instruction manuals..

" its isn't mandatory to cut the film at all. All you need is a thin business card as follows.

1. insert the leader into the take-up spool as normal
2. drop the spool and film cassette into the camera, so they are just inside the base
3. slide the business card into the camera between the film and the shutter housing until you encounter resistance (you may need to angle the card to get it fully home). the card should be inserted at the centre point of the housing
4. push the film home, and wind-on one frame (hold the card while you do this, or it may get sucked towards the take-up spool). fire the shutter
5. remove the card, and replace the bottom. wind-on and fire the shutter once or twice more, then begin your shooting

Obviously it pays to practice this method with no lens mounted before doing it in earnest, but its much faster than trimming the film. "
uccmmcpo Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 4:18:19 PM
Originally posted by okynek

- to prevent the back of the camera from recess when locking the case.

I believe that is the correct purpose for such plate.
FED included it for protection of the camera. Early cameras was made from softer aluminum and can bend if you press on it hard enough and it happens when case clips are tight. So this plastic (celluloid if I'm not mistaken) was added to the leaser case for better protection. As added bonus it can be used to take notes. As you can see no place for a pencil. So by my opinion main purpose for this plastic is extra protector of the camera..

To Okynek and Jacques, That seems like the two best reasons to me.
I can think of no other good reasons. But this is typical isn`t it?
Often not a good definite answer recorded but once again it is part of the FSU mystique and fun of owning them.
I appreciate everyones contribution to the question and thread.
Thank you
uccmmcpo Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 4:05:38 PM
Originally posted by okynek

- to prevent the back of the camera from recess when locking the case.

I believe that is the correct purpose for such plate.
FED included it for protection of the camera. Early cameras was made from softer aluminum and can bend if you press on it hard enough and it happens when case clips are tight. So this plastic (celluloid if I'm not mistaken) was added to the leaser case for better protection. As added bonus it can be used to take notes. As you can see no place for a pencil. So by my opinion main purpose for this plastic is extra protector of the camera..

But the fact that were also included in Z-3 and Z-4 cases, cameras that had a stronger cast backs your theory for protection might seem invalid too?
Or did old habits die slow?
uccmmcpo Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 4:02:34 PM
Originally posted by Vlad

Bottom loaders come with it, it's to load the film.


No disrespect to your suggestion Vlad but Leica users frown upon this use and avidly dissagree to the use of this card or a credit card as a method to assist feeding a short film lead into the sprockets on a bottom feeder. Bottom feeder camera users would insist a long leader is the only safe method (as shown in instructions) that should be used for bottom feeders and that use of a card could damage the shutter curtains.
At least two of my cards show aperture /shutter speed notes so they were used for writing.
This card was in my Z-2c case(bottom feeder) and my Z-3 case (open back) so your theory would appear to be invalid? Both cases are specificly made for the camera and both had the rear pocket and white plastic card.
okynek Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 2:51:53 PM
- to prevent the back of the camera from recess when locking the case.

I believe that is the correct purpose for such plate.
FED included it for protection of the camera. Early cameras was made from softer aluminum and can bend if you press on it hard enough and it happens when case clips are tight. So this plastic (celluloid if I'm not mistaken) was added to the leaser case for better protection. As added bonus it can be used to take notes. As you can see no place for a pencil. So by my opinion main purpose for this plastic is extra protector of the camera..
Jacques M. Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 2:21:24 PM

I put twice the question to sellers. Two answers:
- to note about exposure instructions,
- to prevent the back of the camera from recess when locking the case.

It's only what I was said...

Amitiés. Jacques.
Michel Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 12:33:56 PM
Hi all,

I just post in the Wiki somethihg looking like what you describe.
(In Exposue meters chapter.)

Maybe it can help?

Best regards.
nightphoto Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 12:25:44 PM

I thought it was for exposure and other notes since they usually have that kind of writing in grease pencil. Vlad, how can you load film with it?

Regards, Bill

mermoz37 Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 12:19:11 PM
isn't it to note (whith black paper pencil) some notes (datas) like apertures and speeds used when taking pictures (something like a note pad )?

Vlad Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 12:03:47 PM
Bottom loaders come with it, it's to load the film.

cedricfan Posted - Feb 25 2008 : 11:58:48 AM
I also have a couple of these plastic cards. But can it be written on? And in some cases there has been exposure instructions from film package, or a small notebook. But these surely from previous owners.

Smena rules

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