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 Fed 5C - How do you remove the top?!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mario Posted - Apr 02 2008 : 9:07:06 PM
Does anyone know how to remove the top from a Fed-5C? I've removed every screw and every knob or dial that can possibly hold it, but it won't budge. It seems like it is welded there. Is there a hidden screw somewhere that I just can't find, or some other secret to this?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Apr 04 2008 : 6:48:28 PM
Hey Mario!
You must first remove the black cap over the advance lever (three screws) after the counter by means of the center screw (reverse screw) a careful operation must be done in removing the spring.
After that, remove the three screws holding the advance lever.
Now go to the ocular- two screws- the holding one (longer) and the fixing one (shorter) . put the ocular tube into the body.
Placing the screw driver in the rangefinder hole move the plate towards the frame of the finder. There is a screw under the plate. remove the three other screwa. carefully remove the metal chrome top. A washer is now falling from the ocular under the chrome cover. The top is removed. A reverse operation must be made in order to reasemble the unit. All of these operations are not recommended unless you are a skilled man.
Regards LP
mermoz37 Posted - Apr 04 2008 : 04:50:49 AM
hi, Mario,
as far as i remember you have screws under the flat spring in flash accessories shoes (remove that spring when lift it up from the front to the back side of camera...
and may be a screw under the name plate on front (remove that plate , in slip it , pushing on whith your finger from the right to the left ...there is a small flat spring in a nest (grove), on the left side)

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