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 problem whith ebay dealer...

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
mermoz37 Posted - Oct 31 2008 : 10:56:10 AM
hi all
to day a rare deception on ebay dealer...
Is there someone not satisfyed by "photobuc" invoices ?

So, I receive to day, broken shutter Kiev camera + sacked Fed 2 ("A" série)

and swindle concerning post fees shipping...(I payed for 4 parcels and received all item in 2 !!! (interesting method to win lot of money...)

Am I a single unlucky case or did one here, already have similar experience with this unpleasant merchant?

please tell me your opinions and even suggest what to do...

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vlad Posted - Oct 31 2008 : 12:38:47 PM
Alain, usually the buyer does pay return shipping on eBay... if the seller is nice enough he may offer you to pay for it, but the tradition is usually that return is not covered... unfortunately...

mermoz37 Posted - Oct 31 2008 : 12:32:52 PM
just at time, he proposed "return item for refund" well done but who pay return ? may I returm 1 pack-1 item as he does or, by economy , all in one as I believe cheaper for him ...So not mentionned if he refund return shipping fees....strange dealer indeed... So I am not in confidence for the moment.
Vlad Posted - Oct 31 2008 : 11:34:40 AM
Hi Alain,I've bought a few things from him (Vitaliy I think), including my FED-2 Preseries.. all items arrived ok, although he seemed a bit weird and pushy to me in terms of his sales practices, he sent me some weird emails a month after the sale all that it said was: "Buy something from me." ... but that was about 8 months ago.. sorry you're having problems. Have contacted him yet? He seemed ok to me to work with, I think I even asked him for multiple item discount before sale and he agreed..

nightphoto Posted - Oct 31 2008 : 11:25:58 AM
Hi Alain,

I have not bought from this person, but my suggestion would be to politely request a Paypal refund for the extra postage that you have paid. You could say that you "would not like to be forced to contact Ebay and Paypal, and also leave 4 negative feedbacks because of this overcharge of postage, which you are sure was unintentional".
Now, Ebay has changed some rules and will not allow the seller to leave the buyer negative feedback, even though the buyer can still leave negatives for the seller.

My best regards to you, as always my friend...

Regards, Bill

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