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 Kiev 3, 4 or 3.5?

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Bruno Posted - Jan 07 2009 : 5:24:12 PM
First of all let me wish you all a wonderful 2009 (a bit belated, I know...).

Out of curiosity I've bought this camera:
http://cgi.ebay.ch/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&ssPageName=STRK:MEWNX:IT&item=390020837227. The body and S/N clearly belong to a Kiev 3, but the top part comes from a Kiev 4 (lower exposure meter, meter dial). What's your opinion? Did I fetch an early 4-prototype (at least one '51 prototype is known) or have I been royally had? (I guess the second option is the most likely...)


16   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Michel Posted - Mar 11 2009 : 11:12:44 AM
Thank you Ulrich.

uwittehh Posted - Mar 11 2009 : 10:18:45 AM

on mine the A is a square one. Serial is 551885.


Michel Posted - Mar 11 2009 : 10:09:50 AM
Hi Ulrich and Bruno,

Is your "A" a flat one or a square one ?
Which is the complete s/n?
Thanks !

uwittehh Posted - Mar 11 2009 : 09:48:53 AM
My KIEV 3,5 is now here. Compared to the one in the auction that Bruno has bought it seems to be very close to that.

There is the KIEV III body without PC sync plug, it has the standfoot and a matching lens. Mine is from 1955, Bruno's from 1954 as I remember. Mine has also a A in the accessorie shoe. The top looks like one of a Kiev 4. There are signs of use on the body and the top that match together (black paint on the edges rubbed off a bit).

So I don't know if someone makes these special KIEV 3,5 or if they are the real first known Kiev 4 that were built. I think because Bruno's and mine are nearly the same it could be a real one and not a fake. But nevertheless, it's aninteresting camera.


uwittehh Posted - Mar 06 2009 : 3:57:49 PM
I want to refresh this old thread a bit :-)

First I thought, someone took a KIEV front plate and assembled it to a Kiev 4. But why should somebody do something like this? I have never seen such a Kiev before.

But now I am waiting for such a Kiev... Schulz has sold one on eBay, serial number starts with 55. I am waiting for it and in a few days I know more.

So it seems that there were more of this cameras produced. The history of russian cameras is more mysterious than we know until now, I think.


dee Posted - Jan 19 2009 : 5:09:33 PM
Grizzly makes many copy Kievs / Contax from parts cameras .
Mike Hayley in Ukraine confirms that ther were prototype Kiev 3 a / 4 cameras from 1957 , but very few .
This is a Kiev 3 with Kiev 4 top plate , one of which Mike is making for me .
I do not know if this a real 1954 , but I am surprised that such an early camera would have been the subject of such modification .
It's actually a neat idea - the style of the older Kiev with the neater , more compact meter , for which cells are still available .

Jacques M. Posted - Jan 13 2009 : 4:11:19 PM

Thanks for this topic!
I had seen Bruno's camera and didn't understand anything.
Now I know I'm not alone!

Amitiés. Jacques.
jed Posted - Jan 13 2009 : 10:25:09 AM
Still an uncommon camera. I'm not interested in Kiev 4 camera but would love to repair that one :)
mermoz37 Posted - Jan 13 2009 : 10:14:15 AM
which one interested ???

Michel Posted - Jan 11 2009 : 09:15:34 AM

Replacing the original s/n plate seems possible, as the replacement top plate (wiht lightmeter) does not includes s/n plate.
Look at the spare parts box for K4 here :


As Luiz confirms the possibility of replacing top plates on all Kievs, this scenario seems the more credible.

This confirms, too, Vlad's post. A repairman job.


jed Posted - Jan 11 2009 : 08:49:56 AM
Imagine yourself around 1965 in the USSR asking your local repairman to replace your dead Kiev III lightmeter, I may assume he will replace the top of the camera with the available Kiev 4 top plate (if feasible). For some reason he will replace the original s/n. It's only assumption.
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Jan 11 2009 : 07:08:50 AM
I confirm the easiness ot changing tops on all Kiev 2,3,2a,3a,4,4a,4m,4am and with some skill up to placind a 5 series top on all previous series making a double rangefinder camera!
Regards LP
jed Posted - Jan 08 2009 : 12:24:50 PM
Hello all,

I already have seen one another camera (like bruno's Kiev) from same year production ( s/n A54XXXX). This doesn't mean that the above camera is genuine.

Michel Posted - Jan 08 2009 : 03:14:46 AM

Did you notice that the s/n is an "A" s/n ?
I did not know that such prefix could be found on a K4.

Really puzzling.
I join Vlad opinion…

I saw this camera too, and decided to be shy about it.

But, it is certainly a "rare" camera.
Congratulations, Bruno.

AidasCams Posted - Jan 08 2009 : 01:15:37 AM

I wouldn't be so fast to answer Bruno question. Yuriy Davidenko (or DVD Technik) 2 years ago have told me, that it's impossible to put the top plate of Kiev-4 to "3". I'm not the technician person, but who could confirm this?

At first glance it seems to be the very rare camera, congratulations!

Best Regards,
Vlad Posted - Jan 07 2009 : 8:44:53 PM
Seems like a repair job... someone put a Kiev 4 top onto a Kiev 3 body.. really odd, as Aidas call it - a Kotleta.


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