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 Boxed Voskhod with attestat

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uwittehh Posted - Feb 13 2009 : 05:42:21 AM
Hello folks,

another nice find arrived today. A boxed Voskhod with bag and matching attestat. There was also a bill in the box, the camera was sold 1968 in Poland for 1400 Zloty :-)

The camera looks nearly unused. The lightmeter doesn't work anymore but I have never seen a working one in a Voskhod...


5   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
uwittehh Posted - Feb 15 2009 : 3:51:17 PM

*lol* you may be right. Well, I grow up in the west where you always could buy refrigerators so there was no need to use polytyrene camera boxes as a refrigerator :-D

But it is also interesting to know what 1400 Zloty were worth in 1968, compared to US$ or EUR. I have no idea.


cedricfan Posted - Feb 14 2009 : 02:18:10 AM
Originally posted by uwittehh

the box is made of polystyrene and looks a bit ugly so that most of the people have thrown it away :-)

Thrown away in USSR? More likely reused as a refrigerator or meal box

Best regards,
Vlad Posted - Feb 13 2009 : 4:27:47 PM
yes you are right it is quite weird, I did test the shutter without film and I saw it open and close.. at close examination of the film I saw some very faint images so I think it overexposed by a LOT so it maybe the coupling mechanism there is messed up.. not sure...

Yes the lens is very soft, that is why I said it's a great lens for artistic expression . LOMO!, my friend, maybe even TRUE LOMO-like quality, even better than LC-A for those who seek funky lenses...

uwittehh Posted - Feb 13 2009 : 4:23:38 PM
Hi Vlad,

yes, I also have never seen a Voskhod set before. Maybe it is because the box is made of polystyrene and looks a bit ugly so that most of the people have thrown it away :-)

Your problem with the blank film sounds a bit as if the shutter of your Voskhod did not work.

The pictures on the web site are nice but they also show that the lens is not one of the best, it seems to be a bit soft.


Vlad Posted - Feb 13 2009 : 09:06:27 AM
Hi Ulrich! VERY nice!! I've never seen a set before! Actually my Voskhod has a working lightmeter but I ran a film trhough it and I think I didn't use the camera correctly, the exposure system is very confusing, the film came out all blank... not sure what happened.. but I've seen pictures taken with this camera, the lens is amazing for artistic photographs. Check this out - someone taking pictures with this camera:



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