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 Zenit 8M?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 19 2009 : 9:15:24 PM
an interesting picture at
where can be seen a rebadged Smena.
24   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Mar 02 2009 : 9:20:43 PM
Ok alain I will do!
mermoz37 Posted - Mar 01 2009 : 09:39:33 AM
Luiz ...please use my email for trading these zenit (berryalain37@yahoo.fr)....
So if the cameras are functionnals I am OK ,in spite of horrible .
equal for the lack flash synchro contact (I will replace easily here)cosmetics .
let's go and buy them now.
after what you will tell me how I must pay to you including shipping fees (may be I will pay by paypal ?...or bank transfer)
Vlad Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 4:29:27 PM
Ok this is getting out of hand, I think I'm gonna get sued!
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 4:28:38 PM
I forgot to say that the wonderful stereo beasts are from the collection of my friend Lew Steinfeld who owns around 3000 cameras of all types.
And a Notice: My friend Karl Tonini is doing a Museum in the State of Para to which I am contributing. There will be exposed some exotic French cameras - Like a giant Mamooth and a Giroux Daguerreotype camera. As soon it will be completeded I will show some magificent equipment. Around 1500 cameras for the begining.
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 4:22:18 PM
And what about the digital Smena X with Lomo Zoom lens?



Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 3:59:03 PM
The new Sputnik has scan picture capabilities Interchangeable digital back and basts two original T22 75mm lenses for stereo and a Huge Russar 72mm for 56 x 184mm panorama pictures.
While I do not show this secret camera what about a Smena Klassik?


and the Smena Logo


Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 3:49:46 PM


Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 3:45:33 PM


Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 3:44:14 PM


Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 3:43:06 PM


Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 3:39:46 PM
Or ... how about a Sputnik-4DC .... a Sputnik with stereo-panorama capabilities, three shutters, but with a digital sensor ("DC" stands for "Digital Camera"). Luiz ... please make us one!
Regards, Bill
Easy Bill!
It is already done!
While I am not showing it, be delighted with such wonderful beasts!
See further....
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 3:30:46 PM
1)I went to one of the shops having the camera the camera is istill there but the shop is closing. the owner died and his son dicided to close. he now according tho his neighbour eventually goes there, but I will try to get it. the camera is apparently perfect but now I noted that it lacks the synchro front contact -No marter to be repaired.-
2 the second from Mercado livre is very cheap but seems horrible!
I believe that can be also done a cosmeticas via the marvelous a silicone. If you wasnt I can boy it for you.
Be quick in your answer.
mermoz37 Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 12:05:54 PM
here is another zenit pro:

please tell me your opinion ...
mermoz37 Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 11:43:48 AM
Hi Bill...
remember there was a third one sold by Moscow foto....
so to be sure it is a fake : just unscrew the front lenses ring and remove the front lense plate : you will see it is Magnesiuml printing plate (as my friends did it in the past )
I use the same process for my "AMATOR" just after saw it on ebay and duplicated in ADobe (it was a hard work because no exact letters model like that)

and here is original:


hmmmm.... just at time I see I have to change screws...( these I used are for Amator II !!!!

mermoz37 Posted - Feb 27 2009 : 11:20:42 AM
dear Luiz...
thanks for good hunt !!
I am interested by both cameras.
what will be shipping cost to France now ?
nightphoto Posted - Feb 26 2009 : 1:05:39 PM

Or ... how about a Sputnik-4DC .... a Sputnik with stereo-panorama capabilities, three shutters, but with a digital sensor ("DC" stands for "Digital Camera"). Luiz ... please make us one!

Regards, Bill

Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 26 2009 : 11:11:51 AM
In order to mantain a "suspense" What about a Sputnik 3? A Stereo-Panorama whith three shutters like some old stereo cameras?
nightphoto Posted - Feb 25 2009 : 9:30:55 PM
Originally posted by mermoz37

I used the same handcraft than the forged "Sputnick II" I bought in Moscow photo website , in the past.... isn't it Bill ?

Hi Alain,
I'm thinking that no more Sputnik-2 cameras have been offered since ours. So, maybe I will go back and look at my notes and the camera itself. Sometimes when I havn't looked at something like that for a long time, then I get another idea when I go back to look! But ... so far, I think they are fakes!

Regards, Bill

Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 25 2009 : 8:22:54 PM
Hello Allain
Inthe mean time I did see two 12 PRO in used shops.
They are asking around 150 Reais which is around 60 dollars.
I do nor know they are working properly. At a distance they are great!. Shipping costs are too high from Brazil (several times the cost you would pay for the camera. what can I do?
Best Regards
Note: the 12 pro are different one is forged "industria Brasileira" the other don't. One have Helios 6 from Jupiter the other Helios 5 from Vilieika
mermoz37 Posted - Feb 25 2009 : 09:26:09 AM
hi Luiz....
do you remember I still hunt for zenit "Pro" from Brazil ?

in fact not hurry
mermoz37 Posted - Feb 23 2009 : 05:51:46 AM
By the way...I am on the way to ssemble a "Amator" and "AmatorII" front plate on old lubitel 1 and 2.
It will be hard to see if originals or not ( I used the same handcraft than the forged "Sputnick II" I bought in Moscow photo website , in the past.... isn't it Bill ?)
will show you soon pictures.
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Feb 20 2009 : 4:53:41 PM
Thanks Alain by the wellcome.
I think there are many other means to do such sticks.
The simple Paint program built into any Windows program is the easiest way to do such kind of alterations.
dgillette4 Posted - Feb 20 2009 : 09:58:30 AM
Interesting but I think the lense lable is a dead giveaway. Not a hard thing to do as Alain says with silk screen. Don

ZORKIE'S Survive
mermoz37 Posted - Feb 20 2009 : 03:08:12 AM
hmmmmm !!???
first of all ...good news to see you again Luiz ...
So...a KMZ logo on a LOMO camera ???
isn't it an incongruity , in that time ???
may be a new fantasy rebadging like black, blue labels etc...easy to make whith silk screen for the inexperienced collector's market ?

that's just my opinion ...anyway Iwill be happy id I found such camera.

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