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 How do you display your collection?

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Vlad Posted - Aug 17 2007 : 9:20:46 PM
Hi everyone,

as a fellow collector I am always wondering how do people display they collections at their homes? Are they on the shelves or in boxes, what do you do with camera cases? Do you display accessories? Here's what mine display looks like. I like to display only cameras and I use clear acrylic risers to create a multi-level display. What about you?

61   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mermoz37 Posted - Jan 07 2009 : 12:26:49 PM
Vlad ...next time my wife got red velvet , I will tell you (she his a very good low prices hunter !)
So I will buy some for you if you really need it.
mermoz37 Posted - Jan 07 2009 : 12:24:00 PM
here you can get sizes alu cases for 15 euros !!! (prices grow up and down 15 to 30 euros for 3 cases - differents size black big standard one+medium siz blue one + small red )

My wife use the small red cases to display Hit Camera (alas ..last addict for her since one month : allready 50/70 differents still coming home ...mostly from USA)

Zang : very interesting collection too !!!(but it is difficult to read your very contrast picture )

One thing must be very important here please : A BIG NUMBER OF CAMERA , IS NOT A GOOD REFERENCE....(we are not small boys in a school yard whom compare what you mind ;-))) !)
For me , to day you know : I hunt for a Great Wall "6"...hard to find :-((
cedricfan Posted - Jan 06 2009 : 11:54:02 AM
Alucases cost here well under 15 euros each, that size as in the pic around 10 euros only!

Best regards,
Vlad Posted - Jan 06 2009 : 10:44:21 AM
This case looks very classy, Alain! I am still having trouble finding this red velvet here in USA as well... These cases are pretty freely available here in U.S. too, but they cost about $50 each...

The mirrored shelved niches came with the house, so I did not do that on purpose . But I do like the effect as well, thanks for the compliments!

mermoz37 Posted - Jan 06 2009 : 08:14:33 AM
hmmmm ....may be I have to stick some mirors inside for multiplication items like georgous Vlad
mermoz37 Posted - Jan 06 2009 : 08:13:10 AM
to day is a rare snowy day in my town ...so I have time to make a red velvet aluminium case including Kiev complete set for a friend :


Aluminium case are very low cost here and easy to find in handcraft shop ...the most difficult is to found red velvet our season in fashions shop (that's a work for my pretty wife )
Vlad Posted - Jan 05 2009 : 11:57:38 PM
I shot this today at Yuri B's (Fedka) request, but thought why not post this to forum .. us collectors like to show off sometimes, you know .

Here's my collection as it is today in all it's glory shot in 15 Megapixels. (Files are huge so be patient )


Kievuser Posted - Dec 05 2007 : 11:05:56 AM
Hi Dear Vlad. Thanks for the permission.:-)
Vlad Posted - Dec 05 2007 : 09:30:27 AM
Haha, go ahead, sure, but take the latest ones further down in the thread, these are old. :)
Kievuser Posted - Dec 05 2007 : 12:44:45 AM
Hi Vlad,

Can I borrow your image ,and show it to my friends? I want to impress them.



Originally posted by Vlad

Hi everyone,

as a fellow collector I am always wondering how do people display they collections at their homes? Are they on the shelves or in boxes, what do you do with camera cases? Do you display accessories? Here's what mine display looks like. I like to display only cameras and I use clear acrylic risers to create a multi-level display. What about you?


Kievuser Posted - Dec 05 2007 : 12:31:53 AM
Hello Alain,

That is a very impressive collection. I thought I have too many cameras and lenses(about 300), but after seeing yours , I know I have a long way to go. I am pleased to hear that you are interested in Chinese cameras now.
Here is part of my collection. There are something unique in my colection that I also picked up a few vintage microscopes.

Originally posted by mermoz37

No , another room whith tools and table for small repairs and some light restorations(many foldings and Boxes Europeans cameras +movies cameras +toys cameras and many disposables cameras....=
whith my wife (her own collection) we totalize more than 3 to 4 000 cameras since 17 years...may be...(including lenses)
but that is not important ...
what is important is to deal knowledge about and discover (this year i am on Chinese items

that is former teacher's addiction !!!

Luiz Paracampo Posted - Dec 02 2007 : 08:19:45 AM
In the article indicated by Zoom there are an interesting UDF field enlarger for imediate view of taken photos. Very inventive.
In the war there were also been used "GAZ" vehicles carrying a full photo laboratory.
mermoz37 Posted - Dec 01 2007 : 06:25:38 AM
so...i did it to day.
ask if you need more details in pictures.
i asked to zoom if write some text about in the catalog.
mermoz37 Posted - Nov 30 2007 : 1:49:27 PM
thanks again dear Zoom,
i will try to translate and hope very usefull in the big wood box !
Zoom Posted - Nov 30 2007 : 10:58:16 AM
Originally posted by Luiz Paracampo


Interesting article about this equipment (in Russian):
PDF was produced by KMZ (after GOI-works).
mermoz37 Posted - Nov 29 2007 : 08:04:50 AM
ok friends , i will place some pics on catalog about "heavy" PDF
nightphoto Posted - Nov 28 2007 : 8:52:39 PM

It is a pleasure to see your smiling face. And you are looking very well too! Thank you my good friend !!!


Regards, Bill

Vlad Posted - Nov 28 2007 : 7:57:37 PM
Oh my god! It's a camera! At first I thought it was a samovar! LOL!
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Nov 28 2007 : 7:56:22 PM
"PDF" stands for PERISKOPICHESKII DLINNOFOKUSNII FOTOAPPARAT or Periscopic Distantfocusing Photocamera with 1500 and 300mm twin focal lengths. This equipment begun its life in 1944 in the second WW.
Give us closer detailed pictures when possible!
A great find.
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Nov 28 2007 : 7:47:32 PM
It is fnatastic! You are sit aside a "PDF" lens and Zorki 4!
mermoz37 Posted - Nov 28 2007 : 12:45:52 PM
yesterday ...yes indeed !
thanks old chap !
Michel Posted - Nov 28 2007 : 12:08:25 PM
Hi, Alain,
When you say "to-morrow", iI think you meant… "yesterday"??
Best regards,
mermoz37 Posted - Nov 26 2007 : 11:04:02 AM
just for fun ,
to morrow i stay in a small photo exibition, in my town where i exposed only "Fakes" cameras on a red "Lenin" velvet flag....including "sputnick 2" !
very big success indeed and some new collectors began some interst for our soviet addiction.
note : my head is not forged...but just after 1 year illness
freind regards to all
cedricfan Posted - Nov 25 2007 : 1:49:10 PM
Originally posted by mermoz37
what is important is to deal knowledge about and discover (this year i am on Chinese items

Wow, seems we got one more common interest

mermoz37 Posted - Nov 25 2007 : 1:07:15 PM
No , another room whith tools and table for small repairs and some light restorations(many foldings and Boxes Europeans cameras +movies cameras +toys cameras and many disposables cameras....=
whith my wife (her own collection) we totalize more than 3 to 4 000 cameras since 17 years...may be...(including lenses)
but that is not important ...
what is important is to deal knowledge about and discover (this year i am on Chinese items

that is former teacher's addiction !!!
Vlad Posted - Nov 24 2007 : 7:18:11 PM
Alain, is this just one room? How many cameras do you have?

Vlad Posted - Nov 24 2007 : 11:01:10 AM
Absolutely incredible! I am shocked and flabbergasted! How many years did it take you to acquire all this Alain?
mermoz37 Posted - Nov 24 2007 : 10:41:32 AM
there was a break in loading pictures ...sorry (above pic is smena collection (including prototypes) in aluminium case and in the black uper one : all my KGB items)
to be continued:
mermoz37 Posted - Nov 24 2007 : 10:33:49 AM
hi Friends,
here is a part of my collection and this of my wife too....(she collect only mini and colored cameras)
i am collecting Soviets , Chinese and all "brother's country" camera in the former "East".
Unfortunatly for good pictures i have a reflectives problems in the glasses protecting from dust ...sorry
you can see here 1/3 of our batch ...2/3 are in cardboxes somewhere in the house.
The rarest cameras are in wood boxes whith red velvet inside (i made myself ) for collectors exibitions. (i will show you later if you agree.

Vlad Posted - Nov 24 2007 : 01:15:30 AM
It is done! Can't wait to see it Alain! I got my box of Kleenex ready so I can weep in amazement when I see it..
mermoz37 Posted - Nov 23 2007 : 4:22:39 PM
OK, i must wait...great idea for a stupid old Frenchie...so i will do better pictures from my home presentation.
AidasCams Posted - Nov 23 2007 : 1:01:14 PM
Great idea - thank you!
Vlad Posted - Nov 23 2007 : 12:34:06 PM
hmm... I guess I've had enough requests so I will build a special image upload section to host images for forum. Give me a week and you shall have it. This way you upload them and host them here...

AidasCams Posted - Nov 23 2007 : 11:25:42 AM
To say the truth, I still have no imagination how to place picture on the web ...
cedricfan Posted - Nov 23 2007 : 10:54:10 AM
That needs a better computer wizard to explain. I have webspace with my email-adress, and ftp makes the transfer. But I am not the one to explain how...

mermoz37 Posted - Nov 23 2007 : 09:55:55 AM
i am so stupid :
so, how to have picture on the web ???
cedricfan Posted - Nov 23 2007 : 09:09:25 AM
You must have the picture in web as jpg first.
Then you put the url inside commandes like this:
[_img_]www_._the_webadress_for _the_picture_._jpg[_/img_]
But forget the "_" in my example, if I leave them away it will not display.

And thank you Bill. Sometimes concentrating in one line like Smena/Elikon can be best. Very early I did realize that I simply haven't got enough time, space and money to have all of everything. But if I narrow my line I possibly can do it! So I kept only some cameras that I like a lot from Kievs, Zenits and others. Extras I sold away, and financed thus the terribly expensive gems like Elikon-nonumber.

mermoz37 Posted - Nov 23 2007 : 07:31:37 AM
hi friends ..
how do you do , to publish some pictures here ? i cannot ...
nightphoto Posted - Nov 22 2007 : 2:29:05 PM

I just wanted to say that your collection is very wonderful. I knew it would be from your posts on the different forums over the years. Thanks for showing it!

Regards, Bill

Vlad Posted - Nov 22 2007 : 1:51:54 PM
Yes, I am keeping a similar list on Squirl right now, but something is in works that will move it to this site and maybe for some other collectors. When I am ready I will disclose some more details.

fedka Posted - Nov 22 2007 : 11:14:01 AM
I actually have my own approach, which many space challenged collectors will find useful. I do not feel a need for displaying my entire collection. I keep a few pieces on bookshelves, and try to rotate them once in while. Most of my things are in their cases and in boxes.

Vlad - you should catalog your cameras - models, serial numbers, comments. You can do it in Excel or Access, or anything else that you like. This is a one-time massive effort which will be very helpful later. 200 cameras is a lot to keep in your memory. And then you'll start getting lenses soon.
cedricfan Posted - Nov 21 2007 : 2:21:12 PM
Originally posted by Vlad

Very nice! You have the first Elicon and the Zenit 7 that I had been hunting for for a while... I see you also have a complete outfit for AM-2, how is that camera? It looks something that you use.

The 1st elikon is the hard one, Zenit-7 is easy compared to that
The AM2 has power problems, like so many of them do. But doesn't matter as I don't use them anymore, it must be all manual with film to be a true purist

Originally posted by Zoom
I understand. You use BananAlbum (or JAlbum) http://www.bananalbum.com/
It based on the Adobe(R) Flash technology...
BananAlbum made for MS(R) Windows and Apple(R) Mac platforms only. But there are not only two platforms in the World... :(

My son has told me about a finnish thing called Linux, actually the inventor is from the same city...
Well, propably a small thing for him to dfind a better solution next time he needs money = will do some work for me

Zoom Posted - Nov 21 2007 : 11:50:56 AM
Originally posted by cedricfan

I know and I am not happy with the fact that the new version of JAlbum needs these programs...

I understand. You use BananAlbum (or JAlbum) http://www.bananalbum.com/
It based on the Adobe(R) Flash technology...
BananAlbum made for MS(R) Windows and Apple(R) Mac platforms only. But there are not only two platforms in the World... :(
Vlad Posted - Nov 21 2007 : 10:10:19 AM
Very nice! You have the first Elicon and the Zenit 7 that I had been hunting for for a while... I see you also have a complete outfit for AM-2, how is that camera? It looks something that you use.
cedricfan Posted - Nov 21 2007 : 09:59:23 AM
I know and I am not happy with the fact that the new version of JAlbum needs these programs, but I realized that only after having switched over to it. Also I can't use direct links to one picture as before. But most visitors have the software, and have given positive comments on the current looks so there is some good sides also.
Someday I will contact my personal help desk (my 17y old son) who will find out a better profile of JAlbum with no software problems AND a good design!

Zoom Posted - Nov 21 2007 : 06:54:35 AM
Originally posted by cedricfan


I can't see anything because:
1) your site requires JavaScript -- O.K., but a site must have an alternative ways to a visitors...
2) your site requires Adobe Flash Player -- why? I don't understand.
cedricfan Posted - Nov 20 2007 : 11:16:43 PM
Yesterday evening I took detailed pics of those cameras that I didn't have on my website yet, and rearranged the folders, cleaning away the sodl cameras. Now my actual collection is much more complete there, as I had neglected adding pics of others than Smena & Elikon
So if you want to see sharper please go to "Cameras" and first folder "Detailed pics of my collection".
Few shots still missing, as the cameras are at my work. But nothing dramatic

Vlad Posted - Nov 19 2007 : 6:08:55 PM
Thank you! Yes, I would say I have every mass produced camera and a few rare ones, but not as many as I would like to have ... hate to brag, but I opened up my Moskva-3 today and got a nice surprise - a serial # turned out to be 5000006, which makes it the 6th Moskva-3 ever produced! This thing was sitting on my shelf since May and I didn't even bother to check for some reason! Even I don't know my cameras that well, I should probably go through them to make sure I don't have any other gems there . I had acquired 200 cameras since May of 2007! So time to start inspecting them!
okynek Posted - Nov 19 2007 : 5:55:27 PM
Wow! It really impressive collection! You seem to have every camera ever made in Russia/USSR!
Vlad Posted - Nov 19 2007 : 3:08:16 PM
Here's what it looks like today:

cedricfan Posted - Nov 19 2007 : 3:08:13 PM
I will do that when I got it ready, in December I hope...

Vlad Posted - Nov 19 2007 : 2:40:32 PM
Haha, nice Juhani! you should've posted more detailed shots as well too, it's hard to see what you actually have on your shelves.

Speaking of today's version, I'll post mine soon too, what I have at the top is very outdated, I've added a few wall shelves and about 80 more cameras since then.
Vlad Posted - Nov 19 2007 : 2:35:15 PM
Okynek - Nice! Is that a black Moment that I see in the first picture on top left? And I see you got a few movie cameras? What made you get those particular ones? You guys think I should make a Movie camera category in the catalog?

cedricfan Posted - Nov 19 2007 : 2:35:14 PM
Todays version:

As you see the worktable is a mess, even more than before. But I have been waiting for wooden magazine boxes to arrive at Ikea for a couple of months now. When I get them (hopefully next week) then I can sort my papers, brochures tec. And arrange the vitrines better

And the Crichton books are hers

okynek Posted - Nov 19 2007 : 11:16:17 AM
After such great collections above it is scary to me to show my modest assembly. But I hope it encourage more members to show they cameras!!!

Vlad Posted - Nov 15 2007 : 3:30:17 PM
Nice Juhani! Impressive Smena collection! I also see you're a big Michael Crichton fan!
cedricfan Posted - Nov 15 2007 : 2:47:39 PM

Over two years old photo: the vitrine/cabinet is now another one. Much bigger = better room to fit the cameras behind glass. At least most of them... No earth quakes, no direct sun, no big humidity, temp 20-25°C and only normal domestic dust. But even the old one did have room for around one hundred small cameras!

Seems I should take an updated shot, as even the computer looks ancient (IBM Aptiva). Right after I have cleaned up my desk, propably 32th of Nov at 25:61 o'clock
Plus still around a dozen cameras at work, so I have something to show even there.
And some in camera bags with their lenses as they are used. Or have been used in the last five years or so?

Manuals, bags and boxes in a clothes cabinet. That way even I use some of that space and not only her!

Bill's collection is very impressive, and as I realized long ago my limitations I did concentrate on the "easy" Smena-range with Elikon. How wrong I then was, Aidas does know


Vlad Posted - Nov 15 2007 : 1:32:49 PM
I want to bump up this thread! Show us your shelves!!

nightphoto Posted - Aug 19 2007 : 7:29:12 PM
Hi Everyone,

Here are photos of how I display my collection ... in two art deco cabinets that usually have sliding glass doors over them (but I took it off for the photos). They are in our living room and my wife likes them too ;-). The leather cases, passports, and manuals are in storage, carefully identified as to which camera they belong to. Here in San Francisco, earthquakes could be a problem, so usually all of the cameras are in the display cases.
regards, Bill

Vlad Posted - Aug 19 2007 : 5:13:56 PM
Would love to see you post a picture of that display!

AidasCams Posted - Aug 19 2007 : 4:15:26 PM
Hi Vlad,

I tried to persuade her in placing three wooden cameras (FKD 13x18, FKD 18x24 and FKD 30x40!) in our dining room, but my wife said NO WAY!

So I have my favourite appr. 100 camera in my working cabinet and small exibition in my office. Other cameras are packed well and I still can't find a lot of them



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