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 Kiev 60 Arsat Lens Question

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Todd Posted - Mar 14 2008 : 6:44:51 PM
I removed the silver on-lens dof preview lever on my Arsat 80mm lens to adjust for possible light leaks, which I have done on others with no problems, but this time the small micro ball-bearing used for the aperture ring click stops came out and I can't get it back in. It seems that there is a tiny micro hole and a small micro spring inside the hole packed with grease, but I can't keep the ball bearing pressed inside without it popping out when I replace the aperture ring. I'm wondering if there's a method for doing this. I'm thinking of using a very thin piece of firm cardboard to hold the ball in place while moving the ring over the cardboard and down on top of the ball. Anyone do this and have some advice? There's got to be a very easy way to do this otherwise the factory people would go crazy! Otherwise the lens works fine but no click stops!

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