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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Kievuser Posted - Jun 24 2008 : 10:21:03 PM
Hello everyone,

Perhaps everyone knows about this seller. I find that he(she?) often has many rare items for sale including some very rare Soviet cameras.
Please check ebay for his listings for some very interesting Soviet cameras,and some record prices for Russian cameras.

Kind regards

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vlad Posted - Jun 25 2008 : 10:55:24 AM
I do not personally know Boris from Photo-arsenal, just exchanged some emails past couple of days, but he has been around for a while from what I understand and is probably the largest world dealer of very rare Soviet and non-Soviet pieces with solid reputation.

Kievuser Posted - Jun 25 2008 : 10:34:03 AM
Originally posted by AidasCams


Many of us are familiar with Boris Jamchtchik from Photo-Arsenal. And if I understand correctly, he is acting as a dealer in behalf of very serious european camera collector, who probably is a member in our Forums ...

May be Vlad knows?

Best Regards,

Hi Aidas,

Thanks. So the real owner of these rare, beautiful items is behind Boris Jamchtchik. And you said you are familiar with him? Do I still need to ask Vlad?

Kind Regards,

Kievuser Posted - Jun 25 2008 : 10:24:50 AM
Originally posted by Vlad

No I don't really know.. I can maybe have a tiny suspicion, but that's all.... can't say anything unless that person speaks up himself .

By the way Boris had replied to me today and graciously gave me permission to use the images of his listings on eBay in our catalog! I promised to acknowledge photo-arsenal in each entry that we use his images in. I'll start posting them today!



That is what I had suspected. We have so many great collectors on this forum. Most are from Europe.

AidasCams Posted - Jun 25 2008 : 10:22:31 AM

Great news from you and Photo-Arsenal! Only you should act promptly - a lot of interesting items already disappeared from Boris listings ...

Best Regards,

Vlad Posted - Jun 25 2008 : 09:47:45 AM
No I don't really know.. I can maybe have a tiny suspicion, but that's all.... can't say anything unless that person speaks up himself .

By the way Boris had replied to me today and graciously gave me permission to use the images of his listings on eBay in our catalog! I promised to acknowledge photo-arsenal in each entry that we use his images in. I'll start posting them today!

AidasCams Posted - Jun 25 2008 : 09:03:09 AM

Many of us are familiar with Boris Jamchtchik from Photo-Arsenal. And if I understand correctly, he is acting as a dealer in behalf of very serious european camera collector, who probably is a member in our Forums ...

May be Vlad knows?

Best Regards,

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