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 A nice pair

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Fred_L Posted - Dec 21 2014 : 12:27:48 PM
Hi all

I got these 2 cameras from different sellers
Really working well..
Do you think the one with 05127 is really preseries?

Thank you very much












9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Fred_L Posted - Dec 26 2014 : 5:02:25 PM
Hi Jed

Nice one too, really

jed Posted - Dec 26 2014 : 4:43:15 PM
Hi Fred,

Yours is pretty close to mine ;)



Fred_L Posted - Dec 26 2014 : 1:55:08 PM
Hi All

Here is another one in my collection, without lens, but with low number... on back of top plate.








Lenny Posted - Dec 21 2014 : 3:44:33 PM
Originally posted by AlexanderK

The first Zorki-3 I have had without lock was also with 6-digit-number: #549128.
So, slow-speed-dial had to loose its lock between these two numbers.

The first I know without lock is #547788 (sovietcams.com PM1270).
AlexanderK Posted - Dec 21 2014 : 3:32:27 PM
Thank you, Lenny.

Originally posted by Lenny

The other #5446409 has the lock on the slow-speed-dial which is not normal. The next youngest I know about with lock has only 6-digits #547105.

I find this camera also rather strange. The first Zorki-3 I have had without lock was also with 6-digit-number: #549128.
So, slow-speed-dial had to loose its lock between these two numbers.

Regards, Alexander
Guido Posted - Dec 21 2014 : 3:29:15 PM

Hello Fred

The 05127 is not a "preserie" but a early 1954 serie build befor the numbers changed to year prefix. The last Zorki 3 I seen with short s/n was the 06179, the first with year-prefix-number 546413.

Your 05127 is some kind of strange, because of the place of engraving. It's not usual. But one point I don't like is the black painting of the engravings on the front and on the back. That's not original at all. And this fact is a warning that something could be wrong with this camera. Only my opinion ...

Best wishes - Guido
Lenny Posted - Dec 21 2014 : 3:12:33 PM
Originally posted by AlexanderK

It would be very interesting for me too, if such cameras were produced, how many and when.

The S/N down on the rim is normal for late S/N with 5-digits. But Fred's is the first I know about, so a nice cam to collect. Merry Xmas Fred. I know 6 other cams with 5-digits S/N down on the rim, all younger. This #05127 was shown in this forum before.

The other #5446409 has the lock on the slow-speed-dial which is not normal. The next youngest I know about with lock has only 6-digits #547105.
Jacques M. Posted - Dec 21 2014 : 3:09:43 PM

Hello Fred,

There were many variations in the Zorki 3. I think the entire series could be considered as a Zorki 4 preseries...

You have the pin lock for the low speed dial which is an early feature. But if you have a precise look at Alexander's Zorki 3, you will find other différences. The main window is larger on his camera (and without screw on the side), and the position of the screw under the small window is different. I have exactly the same camera (s/n 707).

Anyway, it's a nice pair, as you say!

AlexanderK Posted - Dec 21 2014 : 2:21:42 PM
Hello Fred,
very interesting cameras, especially the second one with s/n 05127.
So far as I know, the first batch had such s/n, but on the tower, not on the edge (the first batches from 1952/53). In 1954 s/n moved to the edge of the base plate and got the year of production before the s/n (your another Zorki-3).

This is my camera with straight s/n:



You see here s/n on the tower. I have never seen such Zorki-3 as yours. It would be very interesting for me too, if such cameras were produced, how many and when.

Regards, Alexander

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