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Still Cameras > Commemorative Cameras > LOMO LC-A / Communist Party Congress XXVII
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LOMO LC-A / Communist Party Congress XXVII

27th KPSS - 1986
(Kommunisticheskaya Partiya Sovetskogo Soyuza) - Communist Party of Soviet Union

Evidently there were about 6000 (most of the initial production of the new LC-A) given away to dignitaries and delegates at the XXVII Communist Party Congress in 1986, where they were a huge sensation. They were so popular because they were just "point and shoot" cameras and word about them quickly spread, first in the USSR, then worldwide. It was the beginning of the meteoric rise to fame of the LOMO LC-A and led to the Lomography movement.

The small commemorative plaque on the top of the camera is made of brass with red enamel.

The authentic version of this camera has serial numbers starting with 85XXXXX (year 1985). Here is the camera serial No. 8578747. collection of Bill Parkinson

Known Serial Numbers:

#8578747 Bill Parkinson coll.
#8567533 SovietCams

#8569380 A.Nikitin
#8623366 Vladislav Kern

(Click to enlarge)

Created by nightphoto on 9/6/2007 10:18:19 PM   |   Last Edited by levonsa on 3/1/2011 4:27:24 PM   Revision History  
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