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Still Cameras > GOMZ / LOMO / VOOMP - Other > Akvakon 2 Prototype
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Akvakon 2 Prototype

Underwater Camera Prototype
Full-frame 35 mm camera .... Prototype #2 ... No Serial Number ... lens: T-57 - 35mm f 3.5
factory : LOMO / St. Petersburg, Russia ...... year : circa 1996

notes: This camera is one of several known prototypes of this second model of LOMO underwater - all weather camera. The name should probably be accurately translated to English as "Aquakon-2". The camera is based on a LOMO LC-A Kompact, as is the first Akvakon, but the systems are more advanced ... it has a built-in flash, fully automatic exposure, and it features complete motorization.

This example has the number "3" stamped on the removable back and number "2" written in pencil in several places on the interior and back (the other known example is marked "5").

The outer casing is made of injection-molded and milled aluminum, with the main body painted with bright yellow enamel paint, and the back painted red. The inside of the back is hand-milled aluminum, painted black (over red).

Features: Simple wide view Galilean viewfinder with small indicator lights visible (orange ready-light for flash and a red light for on?); Focusing by a round knob on the front (left-handed), 0.8 meters - infinity (by guesswork); Exposure settings (speed and aperture) are automatic and there is a switch on the top for the flash and on / off... with "A" (automatic- flash will fire under low light levels), "B" (flash is on all the time), and "O" (camera is off); CDS meter just under lens; Battery compartment inside of the back, takes two AA cells; Rewind and shutter cocking is motorized; Black lever-style (push down) shutter release in front, right-handed; Film counter window on top right; Underwater depth guage on the back; Rubber seals all around the perimeter of the removable back and round black metal pressure knobs on the sides (to hold back in place).

Measurements: 6.75" wide x 4" tall x 2.5" deep. ..... Weight: 31.4 oz. (no batteries or film)

This prototype looks as though it would be water-tight for use underwater. There seems to be no method of setting an ASA or GOST film speed, so maybe the camera is meant to take a high-speed film of ASA 400 only! It was never produced in series or pre-series but it was probably meant to replace the "KRAB" underwater housing for the LOMO LC-A. The first prototype model of Akvakon did not have the motorized features.

From Collection of Bill Parkinson
more photos at:
(Click to enlarge)

Created by Vlad on 8/15/2007 10:28:24 PM   |   Last Edited by Vlad on 9/5/2007 9:05:23 PM   Revision History  
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