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Member Articles & Blogs > Blogs > rangefinder adjusting
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rangefinder adjusting

Some FED original and type 2 or 3 , first series of model 4, Zorki 1, S, 2 and 2S and models 5 second series and 6 . eventually need a rangefinder adjusting in horizontal aligment. This adjusting is done by rotating the center core of the set. There exists a small prism inbuilt. It is the external auxiliary RF window. Drawing and pictures will clear explanations. Drawings from Novacon pictures from jay.fedka
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Created by Luiz Paracampo on 11/8/2007 6:03:41 PM   |   Last Edited by Luiz Paracampo on 11/8/2007 6:22:23 PM   Revision History  
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