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Still Cameras > Kiev / Arsenal - Kiev SLR > Kiev-90 Type 1
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Kiev-90 Type 1

The Type 1 Kiev-90 was manufactured by the Arsenal factory between 1983 and 1985. It is a 6 x 4.5 cm single lens reflex with interchangeable film magazines, focusing hoods and lenses. It has manual and automatic functions. The shutter fires at 1/30 in mechanical mode, and has a range of 4 seconds to 1/1000 plus B in electronic mode. LEDs at the side of the viewfinder screen indicate the shutter speed selected. The standard lens is f/2.8 80mm Volna-3.

The Type 1 Kiev-90 differs from the Type 2 in the following ways:

  1. The leatherette covering comes to the bottom of the camera.
  2. The Manual/Electonic setting button is different.
  3. The button and release pin for the interchangeable hoods are further forward.
  4. Although interchangeable, the film magazines are different.
  5. The lever for the foldable fiewfinder has changed.
  6. The finish of the camera name labels is different.
  7. The construction of the prism viewfinder housing differs (even looking the same from outside)

The 3rd and 4th pictures show the Kiev-90 with its grip attached. The final set of pictures show the 35mm (24 x 36 mm) compared to the standard film magazine.

David Tomlinson

Known serial numbers:

830002 - Alain Berry

8400009 - for sale on Ruscamera, 2004

8500001 -

8500007- A.Nikitin

8500011 - F. Boor
8500012 - DVD Technik

8500021 - Alzo
8500022 - sold on Molotok, 2009

(Click to enlarge)

Created by RCCCUK on 3/31/2011 7:13:31 AM   |   Last Edited by frboor on 10/18/2016 2:57:07 PM   Revision History  
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