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Still Cameras > KMZ - Zenit > Zenit 16
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Zenit 16

The Zenit-16 is a very uncommon camera. The body is made completely of plastic with the upper portion pebbled. The only control on the front is the depth of field preview on the lower right next to the lens mount. Just below this on the side of the lens mount is the flash receptacle. On the top left deck is the shutter speed dial with the rewind crank in the middle. The shutter is an electronically timed horizontally traveling cloth focal plane shutter. Centered in the flat prism housing is a hot shoe. On the right deck is the film advance with a film reminder in the center. The shutter release is just to the right of the prism and is threaded for a cable release. The view finder window slides up to release the back which is hinged on the bottom. The frame counter is a small rectangular window in the back just to the right of the shutter release (source:
KMZ also released a brochure of Zenit 16 badged as Zenit 19 in 1976!

EDIT: The shutter travels vertically.

Produced: 1973-1977
Name: „Зенит-16“
Producer: KMZ
Frame size: 24x36.
Lens: Helios-44M 2/58.
Shutter: 1/15s-1/1000s + B.

Quantity: 11.114 units. (
(Click to enlarge)

Created by Vlad on 10/29/2007 2:54:33 PM   |   Last Edited by Bruno on 12/22/2008 3:29:52 PM   Revision History  
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