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Still Cameras > KMZ - Zenit > Zenit 7
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Zenit 7

The Zenit-7 is a totally new design having little or nothing in common with previous designs. The Zenit-7 looks like a cross the large electronic Range finder cameras of the early 1970s and a Single Lens Reflex. Part of the cameras strange look is the black rounded prism and lens mount. The shutter release is a large black button with a gray plate on the front. It has a cable release socket on the bottom. On the left top of the camera is a collapsible rewind knob with a film reminder on top. There is a rectangular window for the film counter and the shutter speed dial on the right. The shutter is a horizontally traveling focal plane shutter with a high flash synchronization speed of 125. There are shoulder strap lugs on the sides of the camera and a the flash jack is on the left end. The rear of the camera has the serial number engraved below the KMZ symbol to the left of the viewfinder. The viewfinder takes a removable accessory shoe. On the right side is the black plastic covered wind knob. The bottom has a quarter inch tripod bushing and the rewind button (source:
Lens mount is unique to Zenit-7: it is a bayonet with fastening ring like old Canon-SLRs, but on Zenit the fastening ring is on camera side. The lens has a Nikon-like coupling ("rabbits ears") at 5,6 on aperture ring to facilitate full aperture metering, but the 7 has no metering at all. Aperture stop down is like in M42-mount, but on lens side is a lever instead of pin. And the most oddest thing is that the lens is actually with M42-thread, but has an unscrewable adapter on it!

Produced: 1968-1971
Name: „Зенит-7“
Producer: KMZ
Frame size: 24x36.
Lens: Helios-44-7 2/58.
Shutter: 1s-1/1000s + B.

Quantity: 3.024 units. (

Collection of Steven Berkowitz

Serial Numbers:
No. 7000375 -
No. 7000524 - Collection Bill Parkinson
No. 7001759 - Collection Aidas Pikiotas
No. 7100662 - Collection Steve Berkowitz
No. 6901855 - Juhani

(Click to enlarge)

Created by Vlad on 12/27/2007 10:06:50 PM   |   Last Edited by RCCCUK on 9/18/2016 6:54:34 AM   Revision History  
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