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Still Cameras > Homemade Cameras > Start Photosniper
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Start Photosniper

Homemade camera, being sold on eBay in 2001.

Start camera with rifle stock and kit with different lenses.


Great story about Start Photo Sniper from Alfred's Camera page:

But this article has some mistakes about how camera works. Not to blame the author of the article. He can not know details without actually holding the camera.

Industar 51 lens does not have shatter inside, it have very cleaver instant aperture mechanics. The aperture on the lens is preset and cocked open for focusing. When you push the trigger, mechanics automatically set aperture on the lens, before firing shatter on the camera, much like real photosniper what was produce many years later.

The tube is not soldered to the lens it screw mounted, and it pretty complicated, and very versatile. You can add tele converter to it, clip hood on the front, and do a lot of other stuff. Tube also (and main) provided focusing for the camera. It move lens back and forward. Gunstock more likely taken from real small arms and adopted much better then on real photosniper. Whole set made so good, so precise, so thoughtful, it simply pleasure to hold it. The funny thing to mention is shoulder end on the stock made from shoehorn . And it work perfectly! I wish KMZ did same. They stock is terrible to use.

I don't dare to say who created the Start sniper, but I taking my hat before this master!

(Click to enlarge)

Created by Vlad on 9/4/2007 9:54:53 PM   |   Last Edited by okynek on 12/14/2007 1:29:12 PM   Revision History  
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