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Still Cameras (836)
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Still Cameras > GOMZ / LOMO / VOOMP - Other > Signal
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- may be a factory prototype .no serial number except "5" numbered , hand wrote whith pencil,.came from LOMO desk.
- heavy die-cast metal body camera (500 gr.)
- use ORWO rapid cassettes (Agfa licence ?)
- automatic exposure : aperture priority and all automatic set(contact button under lense).
- no speeds dial.
- framed finder
- T 43 shutter
- LOMO lense 1:4 - 40 mm
- focus scale : 1m. to infinite.
- lightmeter CDS powered by 2+1 vp 625 batteries type (in a nest in the bottom ).
- flash synch socket on the left side , but no accessories shoe.
- frame counter in a little window on top of the camera.
- memory disk on back (sun/ tungsten) DIN / GOST.

from Alain 1 Claire BERRY collection.

Consider this point: The Soviets never made "rapid" film and it was unavailable in the SU. So why did they make a camera that required it? Nathan Dayton
(Click to enlarge)

Created by mermoz37 on 11/27/2007 11:26:30 AM   |   Last Edited by nathandayton on 5/27/2008 3:52:38 PM   Revision History  
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