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Movie Cameras > KOMZ > Ekran-4
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Kazan Factory . An evolution of the Ekran 3. (see description). This camera has the same mechanics optics and specifications of the model 3 . The great finder is disguised with the transparent plate logo, making one think it is a reflex camera.
This model although was built for using conventional standard double 8 films and has an exposure meter with an under turret photocell. The needle is seen in the finder and the operator can adjust the light level during the takinig of scenes.

Exposure meter with needle in viewfinder
No batteries needed!
Spring drive
Frame counter
Inside yellow and dark filters
Film accept: 2x8mm (in 7.5m cassete)
Filming Speeds 12, 16, 24, 48 frame/sec
Lenses: Triplet(1.8/12.5mm)
lens attachment 0.5x
lens attachment 2x
(Click to enlarge)

Created by Luiz Paracampo on 12/14/2007 5:22:00 PM   |   Last Edited by okynek on 2/26/2008 10:44:18 PM   Revision History  
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