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Movie Cameras > Other > Turist 2x8
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Turist 2x8

Turist (Hiker) was one of the first 2x8mm movie cameras made in USSR.
It was copied from Czech Admira with some modifications.
Strangely enough it was made by phonograph company (Moscow Turntable Co.)
I do not have reliable data about production of this camera.
Seem only one model was produced and then whole line was drop.
Probably big demand for turntables does not let phonograph co. build more models.

Lens Triar 1:2.8, F 12.5mm
Speed 10/16/24/48/64 frames/sec
Spring drive, stamped metal body.
Has single shot switch for still picture or to make cartoons.

(Click to enlarge)

Created by okynek on 9/4/2008 10:07:13 PM   |   Last Edited by RCCCUK on 4/9/2009 9:19:08 AM   Revision History  
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