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Photo Equipment & Accessories > Exposure Meters > MKIP EP-4 Exposure Meter
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MKIP EP-4 Exposure Meter

Selenium Light Meter ..... Bakelite, chromed metal, glass, selenium, & celluloid.
factory : MKIP, Moscow, USSR .... year : 1955
body serial # 2096 .... marks: "MKIP / EP-4 1955"

notes: The EP-4 was the most professional light meter made in the Soviet Union during the 1950s. The design and techical aspects of this meter were developed at the Scientific Research Cinema & Photo Institute in Moscow (NIKFI), founded in 1929, and still in existance. NIKFI is a scientific center for the development of technique and technology of professional cinematograph, photography and other imaging techniques, even including holography in modern times. The EP-4 was manufactured at the MKIP factory, also in Moscow.

This light meter is very well built and still functions accurately. It is quite heavy (11 oz.). The selenium cell has a 14 blade adjustible diaphram enabling the user to adjust the amount of light striking the cell in measurements of 1, 2, 10, 20, 50,and 200 times. In addition, the top section swivels about 290 degrees, there is a button switch to take the reading and hold the meter needle, and there are two built in, hinged filters with matte glass and a lenticular plastic lens that swivel into place in front of the selenium cell.

This meter fits the hand perfectly, is easy to use, very accurate, and a fine example of Soviet technology of the 1950s. Rare to find in good condition.

(Click to enlarge)

Created by nightphoto on 8/17/2007 7:36:10 PM   |   Last Edited by nightphoto on 7/8/2015 5:57:55 PM   Revision History  
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