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Still Cameras > KMZ - Other > Foton
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This is perhaps the most interesting instant camera ever made. It uses the same film as the Moment. This is a giant range finder camera. It has a non removable collapsible Industar-77 lens assembly with a leaf shutter and speeds of 125, 30 and B. The shutter is cocked by rotating the front portion of the lens. The Shutter release is a large black button on the side of the camera. There is a cable release socket on the camera body above the shutter release. The apertures are set by moving a square sliding button to the left of the viewfinder. The camera has both a hot shoe and a flash jack. It was unsuccessful for the same reasons as the Moment. (source:
On early models, the collapsible Industar-77 lens assembly was released by a spring clip on the under side of the barrel, and there was a PC flash socket on the lower right hand side of the square lens mounting. On later models, a button catch release was situated on the base-plate of the camera and a hot-shoe was provided for flash. The last two photos show these differences. David Tomlinson.

Produced: 1969-1976
Name: „Фотон“
Producer: KMZ.
Frame size: 73x96.
Lens: Industar-77 5.6/120.
Shutter: 1/30s, 1/125s + B.

Quantity: 1.839 units.

(Click to enlarge)

Created by AidasCams on 8/18/2007 3:54:56 PM   |   Last Edited by RCCCUK on 8/11/2010 6:33:11 AM   Revision History  
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