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Movie Cameras > GOMZ - LOMO > Sport variant
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Sport variant

Double 8mm movie camera with 4.5V electric drive.

Standard model adapted for receiving a special detachable exposure meter, with light level seen through viewfinder. Zeroing the pointer my means of an external lever , corrects camera diaphragm to the right value. very rare. Forerunner of the further Avrora with the same system built-in a single unit..

Lens T40 2.8/12.5mm

Fixed speed 16fps

(Click to enlarge)

Created by Luiz Paracampo on 5/2/2010 8:39:16 PM   |   Last Edited by Luiz Paracampo on 5/2/2010 8:52:31 PM   Revision History  
Related Entries:
Movie Cameras > GOMZ - LOMO > Avrora
Movie Cameras > GOMZ - LOMO > Sport
Movie Cameras > GOMZ - LOMO > Sport 2
Movie Cameras > GOMZ - LOMO > Yanus

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