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Movie Cameras > KOMZ > Kama
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First atempt from Kazan Optics in buiding an amateur movie camera. they already produced military movie cameras . This particular model was designed for using 8mm film in special Single Eight Quick Drop Agfa type cassetes introduced in imediate pre-war days. Production started in 1950 and were made in several colors. Variable speeds 8 to 48 fps and triplet lens 2.8 12.5mm in fixed focusing. This camera was later replaced by the Ekran type which had as an interesting accessory the Dolphin underwater case. Kama camera came with a set of three filters and a leather case.

The next to last camera show is the kama camera of Allan Berry collection

Last shown Kama of Mike Haley in Kiev

(Click to enlarge)

Created by Luiz Paracampo on 12/19/2007 5:52:04 PM   |   Last Edited by napchop on 3/27/2011 4:13:48 PM   Revision History  
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