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 Fed 1 anniversary

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Jacques M. Posted - Apr 09 2008 : 06:32:06 AM


I recently bought a Fed 1 anniversary 1654-1954 (not yet arrived).
It seems that the serial numbers are around 465xxx-468xxx.
Has anybody more informations about this camera, especially concerning the number of items?

Amitiés. Jacques.
12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
nightphoto Posted - Apr 21 2008 : 11:13:45 AM
Hi Alain,

Looks authentic to me. All of them (fake or real) have the big difference between these engravings. I think the commemorative engraving was done with a different tool (wider, so the red enamel would look good)or maybe because it is in block letters it looks wider.
In the fakes I have seen, I am pretty sure that the first letter on the bottom line (looks like a "3") was placed further apart from the "M" in Moscow.

Regards, Bill

Jacques M. Posted - Apr 21 2008 : 07:12:06 AM

Hello Alain,

Thanks for the picture.
As for me, I don't see anything wrong with your camera.
The grooves are not the same, for sure, between the coloured and the non coloured lines. But it's the case for all the "anniversaries".
And the serial number is two unities from the DVD collection one...
You don't want to put it in the Wiki?

Amitiés. Jacques.
mermoz37 Posted - Apr 21 2008 : 05:04:28 AM
hi friends...
here is a picture from mine...
i am not sure it is an original ...(too much differences in engraved grooves between "fed zavod etc..." and " 1654-1954...etc"
serial number is : 468463

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/fed anniv.jpg

nightphoto Posted - Apr 20 2008 : 9:10:18 PM

Hello Jacques,

I have added photos of my camera to your entry. I hope everyone who has this camera will also add their serial numbers and, if possible, photos of the engravings. Maybe with enough photos and numbers we can more easily tell the fakes from real examples. When I see one that I think is fake, I will keep the photos in my files so I can give my opinions about comparisons of the engravings.

Regards, Bill

Jacques M. Posted - Apr 20 2008 : 07:17:57 AM

That's done.
No picture for the moment; so if Bill could...
I would be very interested too in an illustrated comparison between fakes and authentic cameras.
For example, after the site "commiecameras", there is no inscription of "Factory named after F.E. Dzerjinsky" on the top plate for this camera...

Amitiés. Jacques.

Jacques M. Posted - Apr 20 2008 : 03:26:55 AM

Thanks, Bill and Vlad.
Very happy to get this camera which is not common even if I regret the box! But they are really honest: the first message from Yuriy was to underline that the box was NOT to sell. So, I had the choice to cancel...
I'm going to create an entry in the Wiki.
Perhaps we can know the range of serial numbers for these cameras...

Amitiés. Jacques.
Vlad Posted - Apr 19 2008 : 3:28:16 PM
I see, thanks Bill, I have not seen these anywhere else that is why I was asking... And congratulations Jacques, this seems to be a fine piece! I am very interested under what range of serial numbers do these anniversary models fall under... would be nice if someone creates and entry for these and known serial numbers section there.

nightphoto Posted - Apr 19 2008 : 10:50:45 AM
Jacques, Congratulations on buying the Anniversary camera that DVD had. It is certainly an authentic example and I was going to buy it my self, even though I already have one, because I wanted the very rare box. But when I found that the box did not come with it, I didn't buy it because I have one already.

Vlad, DVDTech is not the only one supplying them. I bought mine from a seller in Novosibirsk several years ago and other sellers have had them too. There are also fakes of this camera and it is small variations in the engraving style that will allow the fakes to be differentiated from the authentic examples. It is hard for me to describe these variations, but they can be seen easily when a real and a fake are shown side by side in photos. Also, from the different examples that I have seen during the last five years, I would guess that only about 25% are fakes and 75% authentic.

When I find a good photo of a fake example, I will post it in the WIKI along with photos of a real example and then will explain the differences. It is a good idea for any one interested in this camera to look at the box on the DVD site and copy the photo of it (for reference only). As you can see, when you look at this box, there is no doubt that it is authentic!

Here is the link to the box that DVDTech has (at the bottom of the page):


Regards, Bill

Vlad Posted - Apr 19 2008 : 10:00:15 AM
I wonder how many of these cameras does he have, and why is he the only one supplying them? Did you guys see anyone else sell these ever?

Jacques M. Posted - Apr 19 2008 : 07:48:48 AM
Hi Don
I bought it from DVD.
For the moment, you can always see it on their site:
-Cameras-Leica and copies-p9. It is shown with its box which was not included. Unhappily!

You can too have a look at such a camera on the same site:
-Collection C and L-Fed-Fed1.

From time to time, they sell one on eBay (pseudo hohol)

Amitiés. Jacques.
dgillette4 Posted - Apr 19 2008 : 07:24:25 AM
I can't wait to see a photo of it, Especially any commemorative engraving . Did it come with any accessories? Don

ZORKIE'S Survive
Jacques M. Posted - Apr 19 2008 : 07:02:29 AM

Well, it seems I'm the only one interested by this camera!
I received it yesterday. Perfect condition and beautiful chrome.
Of course, it is an 1g Fed improved by a red engraving. But it is too the only commemorative Fed 1.

I will put it in the Wiki as soon as I can.

Amitiés. Jacques.

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