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2006. Sovietcams.
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 PLEASE READ - 10/22/2020

This is a mirror of sovietcams.com, a website originally created by Aidas Pikiotas to chronicle the many typoes of Soviet cameras made throughout the 20th century. Earlier this week, Aidas made the decision to discontinue this site as it was no longer actively being maintained, and there was a great deal of information that was out of date. Rather than let this treasure of information disappear like so many great websites before have, with Aidas's blessing, I archived the contents of sovietcams.com on my site. Aidas will continue to own the sovietcams.com domain name, so this location is temporary until I find a new home for it. Please keep in mind that the information you will find here is unchanged and will not be updated by myself. If you find any missing images or broken links, please let me know, but otherwise I am keeping this site and it's contents here in tact, for reference purposes. Mike Eckman

Thanks for your understanding!

Sincerely yours,

Aidas Pikiotas (SovietCams)