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Still Cameras > Other Cameras > Vostok
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The Vostok 9 x 12cm camera was produced in small quantities by Novosibirsky Pribori Zavod (PRB) in Novosibirsk between 1948 and 1949. The standard lens is the Industar-51, which has a focal length of 21 cms and a maximum aperture of f/4.5. Unlike most Soviet-made cameras, the Vostok has a comprehensive range of movements. The front panel has rising and cross-front as well as swing and tilt. The back of the camera also has swing and tilt and is rotatable through 360 degrees. The double dark-slide are made to take either glass plates or sheet film. The year of manufacture, factory logo and serial number appear on the lower lens panel clip.

David Tomlinson

The logo is still used by Novosibirky Pribori Zavod., now specialized in telescope making. The 2nd to last picture.

The last photo shows # 0660 with its red bellows.

Known Examples:

YEAR ...... SERIAL # ................. LENS

1948 ....... 0660 ...... Industar 51 - f.4.5 - 210mm - Nightphoto Collection

1948 ....... 0771 ...... Industar-51 - f/4.5 - 210mm - David Tomlinson

1948 ...........0 ? 75........industar -51- f/4.5 - 21 cm - Alain BERRY

(Click to enlarge)

Created by RCCCUK on 7/9/2009 7:15:11 AM   |   Last Edited by mermoz37 on 2/11/2010 10:51:48 AM   Revision History  
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