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Still Cameras > Homemade Cameras > Homemade Box Camera
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Homemade Box Camera

A completely built from scratch box camera to be used with I-51 large format lens and 9x18 Fotokor type plates.

A wooden box camera is lined with felt inside for light proofing and covered with leatherette sheets on the outside. Tripod mounts exist on both the bottom and the side of the camera.

No shutter is present. Lens is mounted on an interstingly made lens mount, possibly from pieces of piping connectors, the I-51 lens does not screw in completely, only the first 2 thread rings, which indicates the difference in threading, but sits in the socket securely enough to be able to use it.

A bracket of unknown purpose is attached above the lens mount

Collection of Vladislav Kern
(Click to enlarge)

Created by Vlad on 4/9/2008 4:17:49 PM   |   Last Edited by Vlad on 4/9/2008 9:06:15 PM   Revision History  
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