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T O P I C    R E V I E W
AidasCams Posted - Jan 08 2009 : 05:53:32 AM

I have one question, please. Appr. 8 years ago I have found a very interesting website from South Korea with many super soviet cameras inside. I'm sure many of you still remember Dr.Vonin's Classic Cameras Collection? Afterwards this site have dissapeared from network with no more news about it. I have copied a lot of pics of these rarities, incl. FED-KMZ #00026! Unfortunately my hard disk was lost few years ago with invaluable information inside ...

May be any of you know what happened with this site? May be some records were stored? The particular site was written in Korean language, but it was easy "to read" camera images anyway ...

Best Regards,
7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
mermoz37 Posted - Jan 09 2009 : 08:01:47 AM
all that you tell here as corresponds well to the description of my camera. I specify that this one was appraised and tested to x-rays by Milos Mladek before I bought it (a lot of dollars!!!)
(send you details pictures to day)
AidasCams Posted - Jan 08 2009 : 3:54:17 PM

it would be very interesting to see more pictures of your camera indeed. Untill today I have have only 4 Fed-KMZ cameras in my list: #00026 (Dr.Vonin), #00048 (Viktor Suglob), #00063 (Alain Berry) and #00070 (SovietCams). That's why I wanted to restore dr.Vonin's camera's pics to have an opinion about its authentity.

Knowing that cameras #48, #63 and #70 are absolutely authentic, because all these cameras are covered in "paper" looking leatherette, have very thin and bad chrome and come with metal plaque FED on camera's back. Very small-sized shutter speeds engravings in comparison with regular or early Zorkis. And even more - all three cameras come with leatherette, joined from two separate patterns indeed ... BTW Nathan Dayton's early Fed-Zorki is very similar indeed ...

dr.Vonin's camera #00026 is different and more similar to regular Zorki ... That's why I have decided it could not be the authentic one, but who knows?

Best Regards,
mermoz37 Posted - Jan 08 2009 : 12:54:48 PM
Juani ,
what kind of view ? details ?
cedricfan Posted - Jan 08 2009 : 12:45:05 PM
I ask

Best regards,
mermoz37 Posted - Jan 08 2009 : 12:25:08 PM
number 00063 is in my collection ..would you like some pictures including close up details ?
please Aidas , ask and I will did it ..
AidasCams Posted - Jan 08 2009 : 07:49:44 AM
Hi Bruno!

Thanks a lot, great job! These small pictures of Fed-KMZ #00026 are enough for me to say - it's fake!!!

Best Regards,
Bruno Posted - Jan 08 2009 : 06:22:48 AM
Hi Aidas,

1) go to http://web.archive.org
2) in the "search" frame enter the link http://www.classiccamera.org and click "go"
3) you'll get a table of links, each one corresponding to a "snapshot" of the web page at a certain point in time
4) to retrieve the specific "Fed-KMZ" page you mention, navigate the page from the "Apr 05, 2005" link. I got all pictures of that beautiful camera!

Be aware that not all pictures on the site will be retrievable. Try to navigate the site from another date, and you may get lucky.



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