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 Zorki 4K and TK-2D teleconverter

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Kievuser Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 04:51:47 AM
Hello everyone,

I did not find this 2x teleconverter on M Princelle's book, so I think it is worth mentioning. According to the s/ns, a few thousand lenses were made by an unknown factory, but one hardly see one for sale.
The Zorki-4K is also a bit unusual. It has an engraved speed dial. I believe it left the factory this way as I have more than one of these. So I post an image FYI.

It is free for you to download. I may delete it from another hosting site later.


12   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Dec 14 2007 : 5:35:07 PM
You will be able to use TK2 with tube Only using original Zenit objectives with no rangefinder focusing ability. Original Zorki lenses will give no focus.
okynek Posted - Dec 13 2007 : 11:00:12 PM
My TK-2 teleconverter has extension ring. So I can use it with Zenit and with Zorki.
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Dec 13 2007 : 6:00:39 PM
Those tele converters were made around end of years 70 begining of 80 and are quite commom for the Zenit range. The FED/Zorki types are rare but still could be found ("D" types). Make an order to photoshops in Russia and they can arrange one for you. If I am right, "DVD" has this item in stock. Yuri of Fedka also can arrange one for you.
Kievuser Posted - Dec 13 2007 : 04:17:19 AM
Hello Luiz,

Do you have any idea how many of these were made? They seem to be quite rare. But from their s/n, at least a few thoudands were made. Where are they hiding?

Originally posted by Luiz Paracampo

TK 2 D means Tele Konverter 2X Dalnomernii (range finder)

Luiz Paracampo Posted - Dec 11 2007 : 7:14:49 PM
TK 2 D means Tele Konverter 2X Dalnomernii (range finder)
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Dec 11 2007 : 7:12:27 PM
This teleconverter is made by "Tochpribor" of Ukraine But pay attention this teleconverter works properly only on Industar lenses (22,26,50 and 61) Wit Jupiter 3 and 8, Does not focus to infinity
Kievuser Posted - Dec 11 2007 : 10:27:26 AM
Another image of this mysterious 28/2 35mm cine lens.

Kievuser Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 11:46:32 AM
Thanks, So it is Kharkov? Not exactly the same, but I guess it's another design. Any idea about the 28mm F2 lens?

Why "unknown"?
See http://www.zenitcamera.com/qa/qa-logos.html
and you'll find it ;)
Zoom Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 11:32:34 AM
Originally posted by Kievuser

According to the s/ns, a few thousand lenses were made by an unknown factory...

Why "unknown"?
See http://www.zenitcamera.com/qa/qa-logos.html
and you'll find it ;)
Kievuser Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 11:00:04 AM
Hello okynek,

I will take a few more pictures of both lenses. Yes, it is rangefinder coupled, and good for I-50,I-61,J-9,J-11, but not for J-8,J-3. Marc James Small has such a lens, He has used it, and got good results.It has no dedicated view finders. I have tried it on a DLSR with excellent results for macro shots.

Originally posted by okynek

I wonder if you have more pictures for both lens and TK? So, this TK was designed for RF cameras? It probably came with viewfinder or may be with eye piece? Did you try to shoot pictures with it? Can it be for special use like for medicine or for micro or for copy documents?

okynek Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 09:55:10 AM
I wonder if you have more pictures for both lens and TK? So, this TK was designed for RF cameras? It probably came with viewfinder or may be with eye piece? Did you try to shoot pictures with it? Can it be for special use like for medicine or for micro or for copy documents?
Kievuser Posted - Dec 10 2007 : 04:59:54 AM

I want to add that the 28mm F2 cine prime beside it is also a strange item. It has no factory logo, and the aperture ring only stops down to F8? The aperture stop can be fixed with a screw on the front ring that is not shown on the picture.

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