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liukai Posted - Jan 01 2025 : 04:45:53 AM


11   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Zoom Posted - Jan 14 2025 : 12:45:03 PM
Originally posted by Detlev

I suppose UFA was the first camera developed and produced by OOT (1945), Ajax 8 the second (1948). So "A Ya" must have been a member of OOT.

Yes, that's exactly right.
Detlev Posted - Jan 14 2025 : 04:36:42 AM
I suppose UFA was the first camera developed and produced by OOT (1945), Ajax 8 the second (1948). So "A Ya" must have been a member of OOT.
Zoom Posted - Jan 13 2025 : 04:47:33 AM
Originally posted by Detlev

Where have the cameras been produced? And who was A Ja?

Krasnogorskiy mekhanicheskiy zavod, No. 393.
It is known for sure that these are initials (first name, last name), but they could not remember exactly. Old men...
Detlev Posted - Jan 13 2025 : 01:23:23 AM
Where have the cameras been produced? And who was A Ja?
Zoom Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 3:51:27 PM
Originally posted by Detlev
Please publish your other sources

Personal memories of people involved in the production of these cameras.
Detlev Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 1:22:21 PM
The Stasi later manufactured the camera and used the translated Russian name "Universal Fotoapparat"
Please publish your other sources
Zoom Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 1:11:01 PM
Originally posted by Detlev

The UFA meaning is certain because of the German translation of the Stasi, Ajax is an assumption. What about Neylon, Neozit etc?

What does the Stasi have to do with it? The above document only confirms it. I have other sources.
Other names are conditional.
Projects were often given completely wonderful, meaningless names. Such names are still given to military projects. For example: Oreshnik (medium-range ballistic missile with separable kinetic warheads).
Detlev Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 04:13:24 AM
The UFA meaning is certain because of the German translation of the Stasi, Ajax is an assumption. What about Neylon, Neozit etc?


Zoom Posted - Jan 11 2025 : 4:03:43 PM
Originally posted by Detlev

I suppose Ajax is no abbreviation, but a code name.

Sorry, but it's an abbreviation. No one was interested in what who was the hero of the Trojan War...
(The name "UFA" has nothing to do with the city of the same name, but is an abbreviation and presumably stands for: Universal Photo Apparat (U is possibly: "controlled"). "AYaKS" is also an abbreviation: the initials of the prototype developer (A.Ya. — the decoding is unknown), Camera Special.)
Detlev Posted - Jan 07 2025 : 2:03:06 PM
I suppose Ajax is no abbreviation, but a code name. Stasi called the camera "Ammer", the official name is F 21


Zoom Posted - Jan 06 2025 : 2:01:38 PM
Just one thing to note: correct transliteration of this abbreviation is AYaKS.

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