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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Denn_kirov Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 06:27:42 AM
It just so happens that a friend of mine had a relative die. And I was offered to come to the garage to sort out all kinds of junk, in case there was anything I could use. So guys, these two cameras were put in a bag for garbage, and if I came on another day.....
The "Sport" camera is rare, but still found on the Internet auctions. But "Kristall-2" I have never held in my hands before, and saw it only in catalogs.


Excuse me for my English, but I write as I know how.
The following is about it. The camera was battered by time, but in good enough condition. One of the curtains was torn off. Everything that passes through my hands is subject to reasonable restoration, so I decided to disassemble it.

What is interesting is that the camera has no serial number. Looking ahead, there is no number on the shutter frame either.
The back of the top cover has the number "94" and the inscription “Defective”.



I have the "Zenit E" and "Zenit ET" carcasses in stock, since the "Kristall-2" is believed to be their progenitor, I will further compare with them.





It took about a week to recover the unit. Camera operation is fully restored. Cosmetic interventions are minimal.


2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
perkinsmg Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 07:23:54 AM
Oh my god, what a story!
Thanks for posting all the pics.
Jacques M. Posted - Jan 12 2025 : 07:22:09 AM

What a work! And what a rare camera!
Many thanks for the photos, your comparison and your comments...
Your Kristall II is the prototype with an instant mirror. By the Princelle, there was too a Kristall II with a cell...

Amitiés. Jacques.

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