T O P I C R E V I E W |
dmzi |
Posted - Jun 20 2008 : 02:22:45 AM Kind day, colleague! What do you think about manufacturing SMENA in 1962? http://www.fotoua.com/1cameratip.php?seek2=160&seek1=140&usl=&usl1=&seek3=5&rd=&st= The general opinion, that manufacturing of cameras was finished in 1960. dmzi |
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Posted - Jun 23 2008 : 09:45:19 AM quote: Originally posted by Vlad
I just assumed so because in Princelle...
Monsieur Princelle wrote about the Smena designer -- a certain I. Shapiro (without any source mention -- strange for a historian)... Who was this I. Shapiro -- I don't know. But to all appearances he worked in GOMZ, not in GOI. |
Vlad |
Posted - Jun 22 2008 : 9:04:42 PM I just assumed so because in Princelle there are a lot of Smenas under GOI section.... but now I see it's mostly stereo Smenas.. That's why I had a question mark, I was not sure...  |
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Posted - Jun 22 2008 : 3:56:01 PM quote: Originally posted by Vlad
Smena was originally developed at GOI correct?
Why do you think so?.. |
Vlad |
Posted - Jun 21 2008 : 10:32:40 PM Zoom,
Now that is truly interesting! Wow! Smena was originally developed at GOI correct? And was supposed to be assigned to a production facility, it is very interesting that GOMZ started making it, but again GOMZ had a lot of experience with bakelite and plastic, where KMZ stuff is mostly metal... can it possibly be if it is this GOMZ Smena mentioned in the article maybe that was the reason it went to GOMZ? Because of the availability of manufacturing capability?
Vlad |
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Posted - Jun 21 2008 : 4:38:50 PM quote: Originally posted by Vlad
Well they made all Smenas of that type (Smena-1,2,3,4) in parallel between 52 and 61...
For me it is more interesting what was happened in 1951... See an article from 1950 (in Russian): http://www.zenitcamera.com/archive/history/our-tasks-in-1951.html ;) |
Vlad |
Posted - Jun 20 2008 : 11:13:04 PM Hi dmzi!
Just a theory, but on the passport pictures on Alex's site it says "release date" not "manufactured date", so even though it's a technicality, it may mean that it was produced in 1961 but released in 1962. By the way I've translated and edited your post to add that translation as a courtesy to other non-Russian speaking members. Your Enlgish is great, it's just I decided to extend a courtesy to a member from Russia, we don't have many of those here.. If it's possible also run your Russian replies through google translation and post them after your Russian one for non-Russian speaking members. THanks!
Здравствуйте dmzi! Это только теория но паспорт который находится на той ссылке на сайте Алекса показывает дату выпуска как 62-й год, но я не подозреваю что дата выпуска это не тоже самое что дата изготовления.. то есть они их могли еще год назал изготовить, но выпустили в 62-ом.. небольшое такоя техническое различие... . Я так понял что вы из России поэтому вы наш первый гость на форуме оттуда, ну я и рещил из уважения на русском тоже писать. Если можно то можете пожалуйста отвечать на русском, только пропустите ваш ответ через переводчик на Google и просто скопируте сюда, так как 70% на русском здесь к сожалению не говорит.. Спасибо!
dmzi |
Posted - Jun 20 2008 : 10:15:50 PM Добрый день, Vlad! Спасибо за ответ на русском, видимо мой английский Вас шокировал Princelle допускает слишком много неточностей, чтобы его цитировать. Я предпочитаю Энциклопедию "Фото- кино- техника" изд. "Сов.энциклопедия", Москва, 1981 г. В ней: до 1961 г. выпускалась только "Смена-2", все остальные были закончены в 1960 г. А в 1962 г. ГОМЗ уже не только начинал, а заканчивал "Смена-5" и второй год выпускал "Смена-6", т.е. совершенно иные корпуса и объективы. Впрочем, по Princelle - до 1961 г. выпускалась "Смена-4". Осталдьные закончились также в 1960 г. Хотя, конечно, все это мелочь, как и все остальные мелкие детали производства советских аппаратов, включая присутствие-отсутствие винтика, гаечки, шильдика и т.п. Просто мне было интересно, когда увидел, хотел обратить внимание коллег на изменение года окончания производства "Смена". С искренним уважением ко всем труженникам фотофронта, dmzi
Good afternoon, Vlad! Thank you for your response to a Russian, probably my English has shocked you. Princelle has too many inaccuracies to quote it. I prefer Encyclopedia "photo-film technology ed. "Sov.entsiklopediya", Moscow, 1981 It: until 1961, produced only "Smena-2", all the rest were finished in 1960 and in 1962 GOMZ no longer just beginning, and ending with "Smena- 5 and the second year produced "Smena-6", ie Packaging and different lenses. However, on Princelle - until 1961, produced "Smena-4". Others also ended in 1960 Although, of course, all this trifle, like all other small parts production Soviet hardware, including presence-absence of screws, nuts, ESO, etc. Just interesting to me was when I saw, wanted to draw attention to colleagues at changing the year end production of "Smena". With sincere respect to all comrades of foto-front, dmzi |
Vlad |
Posted - Jun 20 2008 : 1:18:40 PM Dmzi,
Well they made all Smenas of that type (Smena-1,2,3,4) in parallel between 52 and 61 (according to JLP) or so... wouldn't surprise me they went another year making this one, it's not such a stretch...
Все модели (Смена 1,2,3,4) были выпущенны одновременно до 61 года официально (по Принцелю) поэтому это меня совсем не удивляет что они еще выпускали их в 62ом.. это всего лишь один год позже.. почему бы и нет?
Vlad |