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AidasCams Posted - Jul 11 2008 : 05:13:21 AM

This camera only confirms my information, that all cameras starting from Zenit-3 could be found under "Zeniflex" name indeed. I was lucky to see Zenit-3 and Zenit-4 rebranded. Now it's Zenit-3M with very interesting text on the prizm ...


26   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vlad Posted - Dec 12 2008 : 10:14:31 AM
And a black Zenit 3 with Mashpriborintorg engraving

(C) Viktor Suglob
Vlad Posted - Dec 12 2008 : 10:12:57 AM
Another black one without Mashpriborintorg engraving


(C) Viktor Suglob
Vlad Posted - Oct 31 2008 : 12:36:49 PM
Well don't worry about the wine, but I WILL see you hopefully in May 2009! Bievres!!!
Alain, I want to move our OT discussion from here to http://www.ussrphoto.com/Forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=923
mermoz37 Posted - Oct 31 2008 : 12:27:29 PM
good answer ! you will get a good French bottle od wine ....alas , onl if you come here !
(I ask Michel if he want to pay half ....ha...ah ..ah..ha !!!)
Vlad Posted - Oct 31 2008 : 11:36:22 AM
I would phrase it different Alain: "Who ELSE can it be?"
mermoz37 Posted - Oct 31 2008 : 11:22:30 AM
hmm hmm
Guess who is it ...????
cedricfan Posted - Oct 30 2008 : 4:11:19 PM
And seems that someone here bought it, soon we will here more?

Smena rules
cedricfan Posted - Oct 27 2008 : 12:22:48 AM
Oh no, someone did it. But why not doing it better?

Smena rules
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Oct 26 2008 : 7:20:04 PM
Zeniflex on ebay
from Zenit 3 body
cedricfan Posted - Oct 20 2008 : 1:30:38 PM
When will we see a dozen of super rare Zeniflex'es in ebay

Smena rules
AidasCams Posted - Oct 20 2008 : 1:03:48 PM

Ít's easy to fake everything today, if very needed ... . I wish you good luck in your own Zeniflex version making ...

Best Regards,
Vlad Posted - Oct 20 2008 : 12:26:02 PM
Alain, not gonna groan, just made me laugh!! If you can't have it - recreate it... LOL
mermoz37 Posted - Oct 20 2008 : 12:19:03 PM
easy to make a fake one ...I will do it , when I will have time
please , do not groan....
AidasCams Posted - Oct 20 2008 : 03:01:08 AM
Hello friends,

Happy to say, what Viktor Suglob have assisted me to obtain another "totally black" Zeniflex for personal collection. These two "demo" cameras are not otherwise different.


Best regards,

Vlad Posted - Jul 22 2008 : 09:54:26 AM
The Germans still do the long connected words better! I've seen some couple of meters long.. hehehehe
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Jul 22 2008 : 08:06:49 AM
For those who want to know


MASHina= machines
PRIBORi= instruments
INostraniy= foreign
TORGovlinya= trade

Elementary easy to built a Russian name!
cedricfan Posted - Jul 18 2008 : 09:34:47 AM
Wow, I am in love
But don't tell her

Some pretty usable images in the Mas...org magazine also that is here in Wiki
nightphoto Posted - Jul 18 2008 : 12:13:38 AM
Hi Juhani,
It's actually a sort of counter display that is 3-D. When you move from side to side ... she winks at you! I thought of using it as my avatar ... but didn't want to get you guys all excited all the time! So look down below for two different angles of the plastic photo 3-D Zenit Girl! She winks at you!



Regards, Bill

cedricfan Posted - Jul 17 2008 : 11:18:44 PM
Sorry, but it is a very difficult word. Should have checked it as I have two of their magazines, one is also uploaded in the Wiki. Love the poster, as great as Vlads avatar picture from that magazine.

Smena rules
nightphoto Posted - Jul 17 2008 : 9:34:27 PM

"MASHPRIBORINTORG" not "MASHPRIPORINTORG". Here is a three-dimendional advertising poster from this export distributor:


Regards, Bill

Luiz Paracampo Posted - Jul 17 2008 : 8:28:24 PM
Who knows or have seen this lens type?
Can Zoom tell anything for us?
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Jul 16 2008 : 1:31:00 PM
Everything interesting
But what kind of lens does it have?
It seems has no pre set
AidasCams Posted - Jul 14 2008 : 10:23:32 AM

Thanks for your comments! And even "Moskva" is engraved in this way, not "Moscow" as it should be ... Anyway I'm not wondering this, while having export camera box with lens "Inductar" reffered on it ...

Best Regards,
James McGee Posted - Jul 14 2008 : 02:53:11 AM
Hi guys,

We learn something new each day!!! I've never even heard of Zeniflex until now, let alone seen one!
Also the engraving on this camera is interesting, "SSSR", is also a first for me, I've seen "USSR" many times, and of course "CCCP", but never before have I seen "SSSR" on a camera.
"MASHPRIPORINTORG", what a tonguetwister this is, though I suppose it becomes easier the more you say it!!!
Very interesting camera, thanks guys,
Best wishes, Jim.
cedricfan Posted - Jul 13 2008 : 2:08:15 PM
Indeed, is has "Mashpriporintorg" engraved on the prism, and that was the export company for cameras, radios and clocks etc.

Smena rules
Vlad Posted - Jul 11 2008 : 11:27:27 AM
This also seems like an expo demo camera. A sample to show at conventions.. Viktor had made us happy once more with his exotic selection of cameras!


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