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Vlad Posted - Nov 16 2008 : 3:34:30 PM
There may be some possible downtime today on the site as I am moving the site to a bigger and faster web server!

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Vlad Posted - Nov 25 2008 : 08:43:15 AM
Michel, the resizing actually had always been there .. it's the file size limitation that was a problem last week or so since we moved to a new web server..

Michel Posted - Nov 25 2008 : 04:14:54 AM
Thanks Vlad.
No more "manual resizing"
Vlad Posted - Nov 24 2008 : 7:27:19 PM
The maintenance is complete, you can now upload images up to 10MB (they get resized anyways to 800 pixels by this website.

Vlad Posted - Nov 24 2008 : 10:42:29 AM
The site will have to be taken offline briefly tonight 11/24/2008, I just realized that I have not increased the image upload size limit on this new server, so any files over 250kb uploaded will not get through... The procedure will take about 10 minutes.


Vlad Posted - Nov 17 2008 : 12:34:25 PM
Ah yes, did I forget to mention the new 100Mbit network interface ?
Guido Posted - Nov 17 2008 : 12:29:37 PM
Hello Luis and Vlad

"a slight quicker operation" is one thing, but the UssrPhoto.com site is now at *full* speed! I have here a 20 Mbps connection and now it's a real joy to navigate in the site. Before it was *much* slower. Thank you Vlad for this great improvment!

Best wishes - Guido
Vlad Posted - Nov 17 2008 : 12:26:46 PM
Thanks for the report Luiz, yes, the server is 10 times faster in specifications that it was before, so the site would be performing much better!

Could you clarify what you meant by "I noted yesterday the call on your site." ? I'm having trouble understanding it.


Luiz Paracampo Posted - Nov 17 2008 : 12:08:26 PM
first report!
I noted a slight quicker operation on my answers.
I noted yesterday the call on your site.
Vlad Posted - Nov 16 2008 : 3:45:13 PM
And we are back online on the new server! Please report any issue you encounter while using the site. THanks!!

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