T O P I C R E V I E W |
okynek |
Posted - Nov 26 2007 : 2:05:36 PM I wondering where this camera was used? And what film it take? And what Alain that arrow on the third picture for? |
11 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
okynek |
Posted - Dec 03 2007 : 11:25:30 AM That is almost James Bond story!!! Yet somehow it so typical for Russia. He have to tip police to stay free? To become outlaw you need to use subway longer then expected? Well..., that not so surprising, looks like soon we getting there too, in US.  I wonder how poor seller got such collection? Cremia is so far from Leningrad! Probably it's another James Bond story? May be later you can find time to put more details to this adventure? I would die to hear it!!! |
mermoz37 |
Posted - Dec 03 2007 : 02:58:40 AM dear LUIZ, is n't it another" sabotage" about Lomo products (and engeneers) like Almaz etc....? ( oh...! how such an idea would never occured me ?? )Dear Okyneck: it is a very long and strange story : i give it quickly here : once i saw on the web a Jeep collector's blog in Crimea , i saw in decor many stranges cameras. I ask the guy if he accet to sold them to me. he was oK but i cannot pay easily .The man take a train to St Petersburg (2000 km !) where he meet a very good friend on a subway station.So the police kept my friend because staying here like outlaw (!!??) .my friend must pay a tip to the police to be free. he met the guy and put the cameras to Finland and the sent to me in France ...a full case of rares cameras !
that's very funny adventures in collecting fsu cameras .. |
Luiz Paracampo |
Posted - Dec 02 2007 : 7:28:51 PM Ladoga and its Cosmic analogous were developed for export purposes only. They were developed at the first half of 1970 years and intended mainly to be sold in England and Holland through TOE and EWA agencies when they were in frankly growth, but for unknown reasons, the project was soon dropped; pehaps by the lack of exposure meter and auto exposure in a very competitive and "killing" market. |
okynek |
Posted - Nov 28 2007 : 10:33:56 PM Alain, how did you get all this so rare LOMO cameras? Is there some interesting stories behind? Can you chare how you hunted such rare cameras? |
Vlad |
Posted - Nov 27 2007 : 09:43:46 AM I just noticed the built in flash cube socket!! I have never seen anything like this before! That is incredible! |
mermoz37 |
Posted - Nov 27 2007 : 04:46:19 AM i think that camera never came on the market because lack of cassette never made by ORWO (DDR) which made,for example, cassettes for rare Cosmic 117 (it was special Pentacon 16 cassettes, closed to Kodak 110 cassettes but differents). So , about red arrow point : it is to show you a small glued plastic part in place of a former winding lever. For better understanding i place a new topic about "Cosmic 10" which follow (in my opinion) the Ladoga project. whith pleasure, Alain |
Vlad |
Posted - Nov 26 2007 : 8:36:32 PM Zorki 12 used same cassettes. That is the reason all these are not very common and this one is super-rare. |
okynek |
Posted - Nov 26 2007 : 8:30:21 PM Thanks Luiz! So many cameras I never heard of... I though I read or saw pictures of all of them. But this one, and Start TLR, and micro panoramic camera…. How many more such cameras are there? But this is a rhetoric question… I wonder if anybody know in what countries this Ladoga was sold and how many was made. I assumed they were never sold in USSR. We did not have film for it. Is it close to Smena Rapid? Or it totally different camera except maybe lens? And I assumed it made by LOMO? |
Luiz Paracampo |
Posted - Nov 26 2007 : 7:12:45 PM 26x26mm negative size. Laboratory prints in 9x9cm |
okynek |
Posted - Nov 26 2007 : 3:56:10 PM Is it 9x9 santimiters? It must be a huge camera? |
cedricfan |
Posted - Nov 26 2007 : 3:29:47 PM PAK = 126-cartridge film, very popular in 70ies after Agfa Rapid. Much simplier loading than 135 & 120-films! Picture size 9x9cm back then so that was not good, but simple to shoot as vertical/horizontal didn't make any difference, My third own camera used 126-film, an Agfamatic 200 a longlong time ago. Still have one, in original sales box.
The arrow points to film advance lever, I think.
And Ladoga belongs to Smena related cameras, so actually this should belong to MY collection! Okey, Alain has the prototypes and I have all (almost) the production cameras.
Ladoga is a big lake very close to Finland, and it even should be a part of Finland like it used to be, with carelian finns living there...
http://www.cedricfan.sivut.ws/Juhani's%20website%20ORIGINAALIT/ |