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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Denn_kirov Posted - Mar 25 2024 : 09:59:42 AM
This device is on its way to me. I can't identify what it is. The owner of this miracle says that the device has been lying around for a very long time, made of metal and unknown plastic. It looks a lot like a homemade one, but a few years ago I came across an article about a similar creation. Maybe someone knows something about this.







21   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Denn_kirov Posted - Apr 06 2024 : 02:40:35 AM
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Apr 05 2024 : 11:56:28 AM
Mr Kirov
Thanks for the now clear demonstrative picture. At the first one I couldn't see the two teeths in the internal wheel.
but the sprokets are indeed from Smena (8 teeths and internal spring is revesed once the film runs reversely.
the size of the sprocket wheel forces the normal perforation spacement.
Being so, a way to obtain the 28mm width is easy, having a cutter the same way as F-21 and others
cedricfan Posted - Apr 05 2024 : 11:23:55 AM
Extremely interesting! If homemade, by a very skilled technician. But would such make a this simple camera, with hard to use film? I doubt.

Best regards,
Denn_kirov Posted - Apr 05 2024 : 12:44:01 AM
Originally posted by Luiz Paracampo

take a look at the 35mm standard film dimensions
It is easy to obtain a 28mm film

That's understandable. It is important that the cassettes in this camera are factory-made, not homemade. The question is where they were used. I do not know cameras for 28 mm film. However, the mechanisms used in this camera are ALL factory-made. There are no traces of manual machining.

Originally posted by Luiz Paracampo

but sprockets run a full turn of 8 perforations
film will be invariably wasted

Note the locking mechanism. In full-frame Smena the stopper has a single tab and the star makes a full revolution, rewinding the full frame. In the camera under discussion, the lock has two tabs and the star makes a half turn, rewinding half a frame.
The main question is whether this is a factory prototype or a quality homemade one.


Once again, please note. The rewind mechanism and film cassettes are factory installed. So they must have been used somewhere. But I am not aware of any cameras with such a film format. 28 mm format is obsolete and long forgotten, and was not used in photography.
There are more and more questions.

Luiz Paracampo Posted - Apr 04 2024 : 10:17:09 PM
take a look at the 35mm standard film dimensions
It is easy to obtain a 28mm film
but sprockets run a full turn of 8 perforations
film will be invariably wasted
http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/442024_35mm film.png

uwittehh Posted - Apr 04 2024 : 11:52:01 AM

What a beautiful restoration. Great job! But unfortunately I can't help with the identification either.


Denn_kirov Posted - Apr 04 2024 : 11:49:50 AM
Originally posted by cedricfan

Is there similar perforation on both sides? And is it like 35mm film has?

The film was perforated on one side! A piece of film is stuck to the reel. I was unable to save it. It crumbled when trying to separate it from the coil.
cedricfan Posted - Apr 04 2024 : 11:23:17 AM
This is very interesting, no matter how I try to find the film no luck...
"One of the reels contains a piece of film with perforation"
Is there similar perforation on both sides? And is it like 35mm film has?

Best regards,
cedricfan Posted - Apr 04 2024 : 09:52:43 AM
The film cassette might be the key to solve this mystery. Yes, it looks like a crude prototype of Vesna, or someone homemade a camera looking like it from Smena-parts. But if homemade, where is the film cassette from?
The 28 mm we can leave out: "In 1912 Pathé introduced 28mm film.

Best regards,
Denn_kirov Posted - Apr 04 2024 : 08:30:38 AM
The device is restored to a working connection.




Vlad Posted - Apr 03 2024 : 4:33:12 PM
It almost looks like a precursor for Vesna, but I do not want to speculate.
Vlad Posted - Apr 03 2024 : 4:32:32 PM
wow! This is very interesting, too well done for a homemade camera in my opinion, and I looked through a lot of similar cameras made elsewhere to see if there are any elements that could've been repurposed, I haven't found anything even close to this. Definitely a cool find!! If it's homemade, it's VERY WELL DONE! Definitely a nice camera for collection, congratulations!

Denn_kirov Posted - Mar 31 2024 : 12:25:31 PM
Originally posted by cedricfan

There is sprockets so it is not 828. But could it be Robot film cartridge?

Frame window size 19*13 mm. Coil width inside 33 mm. The film cassettes are not homemade, I don’t know where they could be used. One of the reels contains a piece of film with perforation. The closest thing I found was 28mm film. but I can't find where it could be used. In general, this device is a real mystery to me.


cedricfan Posted - Mar 31 2024 : 10:52:14 AM
There is sprockets so it is not 828. But could it be Robot film cartridge?

Best regards,
Denn_kirov Posted - Mar 31 2024 : 05:47:25 AM
This mysterious device came to me. It is made of textolite with metal inserts in power points. Parts from early Smena 1...4 cameras were used, except for the film scrolling mechanism. Another mystery for me is the film cassette, it is smaller than the standard one. Maybe someone knows what type of film it is, please tell me.





cedricfan Posted - Mar 27 2024 : 12:47:30 PM
Nothing is even far related to Reporter...

Best regards,
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Mar 27 2024 : 04:14:22 AM
Denn_kirov Posted - Mar 26 2024 : 1:24:34 PM
Originally posted by Luiz Paracampo

seeing more accuratedly I observe some parts similarities with LOMO Report it could be a factory made prototype or a study on feasability of a new model

what the LOMO Report, please give me the link.
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Mar 26 2024 : 05:58:28 AM
seeing more accuratedly I observe some parts similarities with LOMO Report it could be a factory made prototype or a study on feasability of a new model
Luiz Paracampo Posted - Mar 26 2024 : 05:53:19 AM
Ocular , exit frame lens and advance mechanics also camera lens and shutter clearly comes from early post war Smenas (up to model 4
the camera has no counter and sports an interesting cover lock
Could it be a prototype?

I love russin cameras also due these extraordinary surprises!
cedricfan Posted - Mar 25 2024 : 12:26:23 PM
The lens is from Smena. But Smena lens is for 24x36 mm and this camera seems to be half-frame.

Best regards,

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