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 Kiev No Name 1983

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Mark240590 Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 2:46:55 PM
I recently seen one of these for sale on eBay and then seen this ad afterwards. There seems to be patchy at best info about the no name stuff and wondered if I could call on the experience of collectors ?

There is rumoured to be earlier than 1963

Then 1963/64 models we all know and love

1983 model, only ever seen one.

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AlexanderK Posted - Jan 30 2025 : 1:42:52 PM
Originally posted by cedricfan

1983 UK didn't care about Contax and copyright.

May be you are right regarding the copyrights, but nevertheless two different "no-name" Kievs in one catalog is exactly one too many.

Regards, Alexander
cedricfan Posted - Jan 30 2025 : 12:00:45 PM
1983 UK didn't care about Contax and copyright. But they did rebrand Soviet cameras with all kinds of ways, even paper stickers!

Best regards,
Jacques M. Posted - Jan 30 2025 : 11:36:02 AM

Thanks for your explanations, Alexander.
A "no name" of paper, if I may say so.
I still have the "no name" front bought with my early Kiev II. That would be funny to give life to your catalog...

Amitiés. Jacques.
AlexanderK Posted - Jan 29 2025 : 1:50:46 PM
Well, it is really 4am, and it was really presented in the Cambridge Camera Catalog No.1183 (I have this catalog and can confirm it).
Whether this camera was really manufactured like this is a very good question. There is also another camera Kiev-4 in the catalog and also "no-name".
I think it is not a "no-name" camera, but "no-name" photo, and these "no-name" photos of Russian Kiev's were made espicially for the catalog to avoid violating copyright of Contax.

Regards, Alexander
Mark240590 Posted - Jan 11 2025 : 12:17:07 AM
Aha! Thanks Jacques. Much appreciated. It really is a strange area of the soviet camera manufacture it’s almost all in the dark from what I can see. I find it really interesting but also a shame that there are seemingly no info sources on any of these camera 🤣
Jacques M. Posted - Jan 10 2025 : 3:32:24 PM

No, Mark. Probably I was not completely clear.
The front plates for the II/IIa and 4A are not the same. There was a 4A plate on my 1950 Kiev II.
Please, have a look at https://ussrphoto.com/Forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=3439&SearchTerms=Kiev,no,name
So, my 1950 Kiev II was in fact a fake "no name". And there is no "no name" before the 1963/64 series. And nothing after. For what I know!

Amitiés. Jacques.
Mark240590 Posted - Jan 10 2025 : 10:27:06 AM
So there is an earlier release of the no name variety. Interesting, because there is such little info out there about these.

I recently got a 1963 body. I’m happy enough to leave the no name for my collection anyway. FED & Zorki 1/2’s are where my heart is for varieties 🤣

Jacques M. Posted - Jan 10 2025 : 07:07:50 AM
A bit surprised that this "no name" 4AM still wears Arsenal's logo on the clip... There is nothing on the 4A, except the serial number.

I bought a 1950 Kiev II "no name" some time ago. I just needed the body. That was of course a montage Kiev II/Kiev 4A (perfectly visible on the photos)...

Amitiés. Jacques.
Mark240590 Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 3:32:46 PM
But the date of 1983 would be right for that model. Which makes it even weirder. That there really is an advert out there for an 80’s Kiev but nobody really knows about it
Vlad Posted - Jan 09 2025 : 2:53:58 PM
The one on ebay was an 4AM model I believe, I've never seen no-name 4AM, just 4A

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