T O P I C R E V I E W |
Vlad |
Posted - Aug 31 2007 : 8:52:08 PM This is a question to Aidas mostly, I've taken the description from your website for this camera and it said 51,000 copies released. I'm just curious, where did you get this information? Princelle lists 20,000...
Vlad. |
14 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
AidasCams |
Posted - Dec 16 2008 : 07:45:49 AM Hi Alain,
Indeed, thanks for your useful information! The serials on your Yunost cameras finally confirm me, that my Type-1 should be in fact Type-2 ... 
Best Regards, Aidas |
mermoz37 |
Posted - Dec 16 2008 : 03:59:46 AM hyeppp..!!! after reading this file ...and just for information if usefull:
I possess two differents Junost model :
- the first one : 6 bottom rivets+lens 585848+no red dot on winding lever+large memoru disc+no serial number+losen winding spool+ complete round hole in pressure plate (left side) - another one : made in 1960 : inside white engraved serial number : 01312 + 4 rivets bottom plate + lens 005942 + red dot on winding lever + small diameter memory disc + closter winding spool + half round holes in pressure plate. ( complete set whith passport and box)
So, please note : some parts have same design on my "NEVA" camera (winding lever and lens mecanism.(I possess one "proto ?" whithout lense engravings....
Vlad : I can you send pictures, if usefull for wiki. |
AidasCams |
Posted - Dec 16 2008 : 01:03:29 AM Hi Juhani,
Thanks for showing this camera! I will make some changes in my Yunost descriptions ... 
Best Regards, Aidas |
cedricfan |
Posted - Dec 15 2008 : 11:59:10 AM And here's "Type-1,5" as it is clearly type-2 inside (no serial, loose spool, 6 bottombumps and so on. But serial on lens is 016086 and not with year.
AidasCams |
Posted - Nov 06 2007 : 1:33:08 PM Juhani, I still remember our Smena swaps few years ago ...  |
cedricfan |
Posted - Nov 06 2007 : 12:33:38 PM Value as a collectors item has nothing to do with real value, popularity or price as new. Smena-5 is also a good example: being a cheaper version then would make it a cheap camera now, but truth is the opposite. A complete one (with the hood) is very hard to find, and not cheap!
http://www.cedricfan.sivut.ws/Juhani's%20website%20ORIGINAALIT/ |
Vlad |
Posted - Nov 05 2007 : 7:11:41 PM Mine works, I haven't tried shooting it.. but now that you've peaked my interest I will! I'll let you know how it is once I try it out. |
okynek |
Posted - Nov 05 2007 : 7:09:08 PM It’s just not fare that such bad camera, which was dropped off the production because no one want it, because it do not sell, and because it can not compete with FED or Zorkiy or even Smena now priced 5 times more then real cameras. Pity that to be desirable you have to be defective. I hold probably 10 Yunost cameras in my hands at different times. None on them was working completely. I have 2 of them in my collection. Both junk. I wonder if anyone had good luck with Yunost and was able to take pictures? Does yours, Vlad, works? I hope yes. |
Vlad |
Posted - Nov 05 2007 : 4:28:01 PM My philosophy is - if it's Soviet camera and I don't have it, I'm never sorry I spent money on it.. that little bit of historical information is what matters to me.. Now I know that I own a worst rangefinder that Soviets had produced and I am proud of it and it makes it even more valuable to me! That DIY matchbox camera that in the catalog under the Homemade section - if that's ever on eBay - I'm all over it!  |
okynek |
Posted - Nov 05 2007 : 4:21:37 PM Arguably Yunost one the worts Soviet rangefinders produced. I was sorry to spend money on it. |
Vlad |
Posted - Sep 03 2007 : 11:57:54 AM Hey, you're right! He must've been using 1st edition or something... I'll make a post in rangefinder forum with link to this thread... I should've looked in the book first!
Vlad. |
nightphoto |
Posted - Sep 03 2007 : 11:52:58 AM Vlad,
In the copy of Princelle that I have (2nd edition) he states a production of 50,000 on page 62.
Regards, Bill
Vlad |
Posted - Sep 03 2007 : 11:38:42 AM Aidas,
Hmm.. interesting, you may want to also post this reply here in answering "Napchop" forum user to set the record straight, the reputation of both our sites are on the line! :) :
Vlad. |
AidasCams |
Posted - Sep 03 2007 : 04:48:27 AM Hi Vlad,
I just used an official Lomo numbers with 51.026 copies of Junost released. I can't say where from Princelle have got his numbers indeed ...
Aidas |