T O P I C R E V I E W |
Vlad |
Posted - Sep 13 2009 : 12:34:07 PM I was searching the web in English and Russian sites for any reference to this camera and every time I would find information about it - this camera would be referred as "Russian"... no mention of Chinese manufacture.. it makes me wonder...
Also I have found some for sale classified ad in Russian (I was trying to look for it again and I could not find it for some reason, should've bookmarked it) that was called "Plastic Russian cameras for sale" and it listed this Euroshop camera, Vilia, Smena and .. Vzglyad (<-- what the heck is that??? anyone heard of it?)...
Cheers, Vlad |
6 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First) |
okynek |
Posted - Sep 15 2009 : 4:10:41 PM Well you can get such camera on eBay (where else)  http://cgi.ebay.com/euroSHOP-2000-ART-CAMERA-focus-free-russian-35mm-camera_W0QQitemZ400072725021QQcmdZViewItemQQptZFilm_Cameras?hash=item5d2631521d&_trksid=p3286.m20.l1116
And unfortunately (or may be fortunately) Russian Matrioshka has it origin in China, kind like Leica-Fed only with Russian flavor and 1000 years history. And you are right Luiz, to be funny Chinees now imitating Matrioshka, which is imitation of Chanees nesting dolls . |
Luiz Paracampo |
Posted - Sep 15 2009 : 09:32:00 AM Of course this camera is of Chinese manufacture. Now we have also Chinese Matrioshkas made with the same kind of wood and very similar paintings although with crude finishings LP |
nightphoto |
Posted - Sep 14 2009 : 9:01:09 PM Probably say "Russian" in the references because the box and instructions are in Russian ... but I doubt that if Russian made, the box and instructions would be in Russian, but with English writing on the camera. No doubt the camera was made with export, or at least sales to the American and English market.
But, Chinese is just a guess! Someone needs to buy one and examine to see if it has a country of manufacture!
Regards, Bill
Vlad |
Posted - Sep 14 2009 : 4:54:15 PM I don't really have any doubts about the Chinese origin of this camera it's just odd that all references say "Russian" ..
nightphoto |
Posted - Sep 13 2009 : 3:37:10 PM I doubt that these are of Russian manufacture because "EuroShop 2000" was a small company (just one or two people) who were based in Italy. So, I don't think it would make sense for them to export cameras from Russia in order to then sell them to Russians from Italy. I just suspect that they are Chinese, but maybe from Korea or some other place. I think Juhani is correct about anyone who bought a shipment could have anything they wanted on them.
Regards, Bill
cedricfan |
Posted - Sep 13 2009 : 1:35:10 PM Quite similar Chinese cameras were also sold (or given free with something else) here in Finland with many names, I think that anyone who bought eg 1.000 of them could have their own "name label", instruction sheet and box. So if there is/was a company called Euroshop in Russia then this was made for them, with Russian manual and box.
Best regards, Juhani |