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Interview with Vladislav Kern of USSRPhoto.com

Created by Vlad on 7/17/2009 9:12:03 AM
Last Edited by Vlad on 5/25/2016 8:21:56 PM  
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217 Posts
Posted - Aug 01 2009 :  09:27:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

I've seen only the first few minutes…

I plan to see the integrality as a I should eat a cake !
Maybe this evening, sipping a vodka.(Shoul I rather choose a whiskey?)

Thanks Vlad.


Edited by - Michel on Aug 01 2009 09:30:08 AM

Tom Yeshuah
Tom Yeshuah
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Posted - Aug 01 2009 :  11:30:25 AM  Show Profile  Click to see Tom Yeshuah's MSN Messenger address  Reply with Quote
Excellent presentation Vlad in such a short time.

I have to say that the host of the show seems not to pay attention to everything he says, and is more interested with non camera related issues.
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Vladislav Kern
4256 Posts
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Posted - Aug 01 2009 :  5:20:23 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thank you, Tom, Michel!

This was supposed to be more of a overview of photographic history rather than individual cameras though... Since it was airing on public TV I did not want to get into technical details of any particular camera, just mostly history and some most interesting examples from my collection.. I appreciate the kind words, I thought it was going to be a total disaster but people who watched it seemed to have a positive impression..

Best regards,
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BERRY alain
814 Posts
Posted - Aug 02 2009 :  01:31:16 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
congratulations Vlad...
now we have to translate ...hard work for a poor Frenchie....

(absent for 2 or 3 weeks vacations in Denmark...may be)
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Yuri Boguslavsky
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Posted - Aug 02 2009 :  10:42:23 PM  Show Profile  Visit fedka's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Good job, Vlad. Very professional, like you were born for TV:-)
The host (Roberta) was a bit overzealous,part of the job I guess, but you stayed cool and did not jump all over (like she did). Nice and smooth. I started watching and could not stop.
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James McGee
James McGee
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Posted - Aug 03 2009 :  05:08:20 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Super job Vlad!!! As always you showed that you are a great ambassador and promotor for our hobby. I have no doubt that you will have inspired orthers to take an interest in Russian and Soviet cameras, especially from the historic and cultural side of the subject.
I remember that eight or nine years ago David Tomlinson was the subject of a similar program on British TV. If I remember correctly the program was called "Collectors Lot". I don't know if David still has a copy of this show, but if he had no objection this would also be very interesting for fellow members to view.
Anyway Vlad, well done, as always you continue to contribute something positive to our hobby.
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Vladislav Kern
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Posted - Aug 03 2009 :  1:44:06 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thank you all I am very humbled You are all my teachers and I am grateful for it!
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217 Posts
Posted - Aug 03 2009 :  4:19:20 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Hi Vlad,

I watched the integrity of your show and I must say it's fantastic !
BUT as my english is quite poor, I will have to watch the video some more times.
(And sip some more vodkas )

Thanks again.

Best regards,
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Ulrich W.
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Posted - Aug 04 2009 :  1:59:43 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote

very nice and cool :-D
I enjoyed it!


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759 Posts
Posted - Aug 08 2009 :  12:37:05 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Vlad, great interview! It’s hard to make it any better! I believe you are cowered it all: most important, most interesting, and most entertaining aspects of the Russian camera’s history. I believe that show was very educational and very entertaining for general public. Choice of the cameras can not be better. In my opinion Roberta Markbreit, host of the Contempo, did splendid job by asking right questions at the right times. Her may be little bit naive inputs actually help the show a lot, and made it as good as it can be. I personally like how she hosted your interview.
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Vladislav Kern
4256 Posts
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Posted - Aug 09 2009 :  12:05:54 AM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Thank you Ulrich and Oleg.. I'm very pleased by the positive and encouraging feedback from all of you! I feel like a TV star now hehehhe I've tried to pick the most essential cameras for the show that have the most history behind them as well as some very very unusual samples or most prominent samples that I had that can definitely stir the discussion.. the thing with me is if you can get me going I can talk about a single camera for hours ... I'm sure Aidas, Alain, Viktor, David, Jim or Yuri can attest to that from our Bievres meeting... So I had no problems there in conversation topics, I actually did not cover most of the stuff I wanted to, if you noticed I even forgot to mention this web site, they only wrote about it on subtitles.. hehhehe . It was a little nerve wracking although you probably can't really see it on screen, I was surprised myself when I watched it that I didn't screw it up . It did air all around the state of Illinois after all...

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