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David Tomlinson

United Kingdom
208 Posts
Posted - Sep 01 2009 :  10:19:09 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
I am posting some photos of an incomplete FED Stereo in the hope that someone can help me with some information. Do you think that this is some kind of a pre-production test model? The back cover seems to be the final version but with a number 4 on it. Inside, it appears to be two FED Micron-2s welded together.

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/192009_FED Stereo back2.jpg

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/192009_FED Stereo front.jpg

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/192009_FED Stereo top.jpg

http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent/192009_FED Stereo bottom.jpg



Bill Parkinson
1027 Posts
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Posted - Sep 01 2009 :  11:39:01 AM  Show Profile  Visit nightphoto's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi David,
Although I can't tell you much about this camera, I was offered the exact same camera several years ago and did not buy it at that time.

It was offered to me as a FED Stereo Prototype and described as "made from 2 Fed Microns". The Russian dealer who offered it to me was the same person from whom I bought the two examples of the FED-6TTL cameras that I own (including a metal prototype #00001). My understanding is that he had connections with the FED Zavod, or at least connections with workers or former workers at the factory, which is how he was able to get the FED-6TTL cameras and this FED Stereo camera.

I believe it is a prototype version of the FED Stereo and that was, if I remember correctly, also the opinion of Milos Mladek. I can also remember that either Milos, myself, or possibly the seller had the idea that it was in an incomplete state because it was probably "canniblized" for parts to be used for later versions of the prototype (this is just conjecture, but many times this did happen with prototypes as they went through stages towards a more evolved state, I am told).

Attached is one of the photos I received when it was offered to me and let me know by e-mail if you want the other photos that were sent to me when the camera was offered to me in June 2006.

I have often wondered where this camera was and if you now own it, I'm very happy to hear that you have it!


Regards, Bill

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Vladislav Kern
4251 Posts
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Posted - Sep 01 2009 :  1:07:54 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
It has #4 written on it.. that could imply there are at least 3 other prototypes out there
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Bill Parkinson
1027 Posts
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Posted - Sep 01 2009 :  1:24:34 PM  Show Profile  Visit nightphoto's Homepage  Reply with Quote

There also seems to be a "4" scratched onto the bottom of the camera body which would probably mean that the back is original to the camera.

I can't see any reason why anyone would take two Microns and place them into a FED Stereo body, leading me to believe that this is a prototype version made at FED and using two Microns just to get an idea if the basic design idea looks and works well.

Regards, Bill

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