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 FED Berdsk - Unexpected turn of events in SSK book
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Vladislav Kern

4256 Posts
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Posted - Jan 11 2010 :  7:57:41 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
According to SSK book 1200 Cameras from USSR - page 387 top camera - the FED Berdsk is not the FED Berdsk we all considered to be (past approx #170,000) but the FEDs that we called "Warranty FEDS" that had 3-4 digit numbers...

The description states the the top covers from these cameras were made in Kharkov and were discarded because of the errors in serial # engraving but were reused later in Berdsk... no mention of cameras between 170,000 and 200,000... Veeery interesting...


Bill Parkinson
1027 Posts
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Posted - Jan 11 2010 :  9:24:56 PM  Show Profile  Visit nightphoto's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hi Vlad,
Page 380, at the top, does show the cameras from 1946-47 ... 11,000 examples ... with what we call the Berdsk engraving and serial numbers in the 170,XXX range. I can't read everything, but I do see the word "Berdsk" in the text above the box for that camera. Are they saying that the factory moved to Berdsk?

As far as the cameras that we call "Unusual numbers" (I believe the "warranty" theory was just one theory, but unproven) ... the idea that they were discarded top plates because of errors in engraving may be possible, or it may just be another unproven theory. For example, if you look at our own WIKI data for this camera, you will see that some of these cameras have features from cameras made in 1936 (such as a partially covered by the lens, front screw). So how would an early camera like this (FED-1B) have been assembled in Berdsk ... this has nothing to do with the top plate!

And, as well, there is a passport and camera pictured in our WIKI from a Kharkov collector with a passport from 1936 ... so no way the passport and engraving were both wrong, and obviously dated in 1936, not during the Berdsk years.

I think it is just a theory that the authors had ... unless they show some proof in the book, and I think they are in error in this theory, although I still don't believe that the real answer has been ascertained.

Regards, Bill

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Vladislav Kern
4256 Posts
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Posted - Jan 11 2010 :  10:16:37 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
oh! Nice catch as always, Bill, I missed that paragraph on 380 that's why I got confused! It does say that the combinat got renamed into zavod in 1943 due to reassignment to NKAP SSSR and all cameras made from Feb to June 1946 made in Berdsk have engraving "Zavod". Known serial #s 173217 to 183309.

Yeah I guess it is a theory as well as you say about the unusual #s.

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Aidas Pikiotas
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Posted - Jan 13 2010 :  03:14:48 AM  Show Profile  Visit AidasCams's Homepage  Reply with Quote

It seems, that SSK never saw our discussions about this interesting camera unfortunately ... I have to agree with Bil's opinion, that it's a wrong theory indeed.

Best Regards,
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