I'm not a big expert with lenses, but here's a very mysterious rangefinder-body Jupiter-11 with the Zenit/SLR backfocus. This was posted in one of the facebook groups and I wanted to get your opinion on it. Normally I would immediate discard it as "kotleta" if it wasn't for the earliest known serial #5101912 of known lenses with Jupiter-11 name on it, right after ZK-135. The next known number is Aidas's lens #5101933 which was considered the earliest before this one.
The person who sold the lens to the current owner is claiming it's made of Zeiss glass because of bluish tint (which is very possible considering the blocks of German glass were reparrated from Germany post war) and that KMZ was experimenting with J-11 to make it for the Zenits in this form.
Has anyone seen such factory modifications before? And it's inches on the ruler, not cm it's about 85mm overall size.
Interesting lens! At first sight, it could be an original Jup 11 with Kiev mount, shortened for SLR use in M39/M42. The focus scale looks like a Kiev mount one... I have already seen other Jups 9 and 11 converted by the same way. No idea of the maker.
About the s/n, Aidas notes the 5000952 as being his first "normal" Jup 11 LTM. I own the 5101897, always PT 8215 type by Aidas.