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 Zorki 3 01237
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Ulrich W.

851 Posts
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Posted - Dec 20 2022 :  12:49:10 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Hello to all,

my newest find, a Zorki 3 with serial number 01237.

Ok, at the moment it does not look like a camera ;-) The shutter curtains were broken and so I disassembled it completely to install new ones.

Whew, a Zorki 3 has a lot of parts, I hope I can put it all together again...




Vladislav Kern
4256 Posts
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Posted - Dec 20 2022 :  9:11:03 PM  Show Profile  Visit Vlad's Homepage  Reply with Quote
oh wow looks like someone put a bomb in your Zorki! . Would love to see the finish product! Good luck!
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Jacques M.
2625 Posts
Posted - Dec 21 2022 :  10:13:00 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
My God!
As for me, I wait for the first photo made with that Zorki

Aùiyiés. Jacques.
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Ulrich W.
851 Posts
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Posted - Dec 21 2022 :  2:32:24 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I am on the way :-)





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Ulrich W.
851 Posts
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Posted - Dec 23 2022 :  2:09:35 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Ok, ready to continue reassembling :-)

The shutter is ready for inserting:


Shutter and rangefinder re-installed:



Front plate and slow speed wheel installed:



Some screws are really tiny...


Top cover:


Adjusting the slow speeds made me crazy, but now they work, see this small video:


I will do the complete assembly tomorrow.


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luigi gesi
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Posted - Dec 23 2022 :  2:18:52 PM  Show Profile  Visit schyter's Homepage  Reply with Quote
wow !!!

ok ... now we know who to send our Zorki 3s to if they break down !!


Only dead fish follow the stream ...
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Ulrich W.
851 Posts
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Posted - Dec 26 2022 :  11:10:56 AM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I hope everyone has/had a nice XMas!

The Zorki is now completely reassembled and adjusted. Another problem was the rangefinder, it was totally out of place and has vertical disalignment. But I was able to justify it to correct distances (I hope it, I will try a roll of film with it when there is a bit more light outside). The camera can be wound very smooth and the shutter sound is not very loud, a bit like a Leica ;-)

During the repair I found some differencies compared to the regular Zorki 3. As I wanted to adjust the slow speeds I looked in the Maizenberg but found out that my camera could not be adjusted that way he describes it.

On the early models they must be adjusted on the bottom of the camera, there is the lever that connects to the slow speed escapement (the thing that goes up and down during winding ans releasing near the gear as you can see in my video. That lever is fixed with a screw to the vertical lath that goes to the top. You can loose this screw and turn the lever a little bit. Then the piece on the top that brakes down the second curtain moves and the speeds get slower or faster depending on the position of that flat piece (see it in http://www.ussrphoto.com/UserContent2/23122022_zorki3_8.jpg). Was a bit tricky to find it out ;-)

Here are some pictures after reassembling it all, enjoy the shining chrome :-)









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161 Posts
Posted - Dec 26 2022 :  1:48:58 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
What a beautiful restauration of a camera! Bravo!

Yes we still have a nice Christmas this evening, thank you. I wish a Happy Peacefully New Year to everybody and hope to hear from you next year.

www.a7camera.com www.120folder.com www.instantphoto.eu www.135compact.com www.oddcameras.com
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Ulrich W.
851 Posts
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Posted - Dec 26 2022 :  2:34:52 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
xya, thank you very much :-)

It's like a "must" to me, when I get an old interesting camera I have to CLA it to make it work as before. Unfortunately about 99% of the old cameras must be CLAed after decades of not using it ;-) But I love it. I work as a software engeneer and the world of the old analogue cameras and my garden are the opposite of my digital work. You have to find a balance in your life ;-)


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Michael Perkins
United Kingdom
30 Posts
Posted - Dec 27 2022 :  01:43:39 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
That is a very impressive piece of work, Ulrich! I've really enjoyed seeing this come together and be restored to life. I love the Zorki 3.

I too am a software engineer and fiddling with analogue cameras is a great counterbalance to that. Alas, though, my attempts at camera restoration haven't been so successful! I've fixed a few lenses, but all the cameras I've taken apart have never been successfully reassembled :-( I wish I had your skills!

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Jacques M.
2625 Posts
Posted - Dec 27 2022 :  07:15:15 AM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote

Bravo, Ulrich! A beautiful camera, and an impressive work!
I had noted too that there are important variations in the early Zorki 3, but I did not know about the regulation of the slow speeds. In fact, I had never dismounted a Zorki 3 at this point!

Thanks too for the photos.
Amitiés. Jacques.
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Ulrich W.
851 Posts
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Posted - Dec 27 2022 :  2:24:02 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Michael and Jacques,

thanks, but not too much praise please ;-) It's just a hobby to make the old lovely cameras working again. The Zorki 3 is the much complicated Zorki to serve. The others are easier. I have dis- and reassembled a lot of cameras in the last 2 decades, and one is the truth: From the middle of the Sixties on the quality has a huge drop. Zorki 4 from about 1967 on are often hard to wind and have a loud shutter sound. The best are the one of the early Fifties.

Michael, if you disassemble a camera just take photos of the steps you make. It's much easier to reassemble it then ;-)


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37 Posts
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Posted - Dec 29 2022 :  10:15:38 AM  Show Profile  Visit xalmaz's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Glad to see men with straight arms as say in Russia.
"software engeneer" - "Me too" ;) - for those who understand.
Health for all of us - Happy New Year! (Drink responsibly ;).
P.S. Ulrich, don't know Deutsch enough, english - simple and precise.

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38 Posts
Posted - Dec 30 2022 :  4:59:41 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Didn't you take a video of the entire assembling and adjusting process?
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sean perry
United Kingdom
341 Posts
Posted - Jan 12 2023 :  12:35:31 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
There's no need for me to say that you've done a good job with the camera, Ulrich.

But I was wondering if you know that it doesn't count as a "restoration" unless you've also put the dirt and rust back where it was on the camera? LOL.
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Ulrich W.
851 Posts
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Posted - Jan 14 2023 :  5:38:27 PM  Show Profile  Visit uwittehh's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Sean, thanks. But the rust and dirt has gone, I couldn't find it anymore to put it back


Edited by - uwittehh on Jan 14 2023 5:57:14 PM
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sean perry
United Kingdom
341 Posts
Posted - Aug 04 2023 :  8:00:26 PM  Show Profile  Reply with Quote
Oh, Ulrich! Why would you throw away the dirt and rust? lol.

Thanks for the link to your photos.
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