I once had to repair an exakta or pentacon lense , I removed the front lense retainer ring only to find another ring with a zeiss name on it underneath. Who knows ? Don
Wow! Really professional work! You can't make it at the kitchen table Any possibility such adapters/adaptations was made by manufactory? How they get around aperture control? As I can recall Salut has automatic aperture?
Hey people! Two notes: 1- The 254mm lens seems not to be Russian but possibly British or American once 254mm fills exactly 10 inches! Cook made them for Bell & Howell Foton Kodak made one for Ektra and Hasselblad and Dallmeyer for Hasselblad and Reid. 2- The Industar 29 back could be factory made. Arsenal made (and sold) some adaptations. There is a notice in Abramov's site, I will return later,the page. Note in this lens the lack of spring load diaphragm. Regards LP